Meira: Matching Prints and Solids

Ever wondered how to match a scarf or top with a bold print to your other clothing? Not sure what goes with what? This is a common question! Check out Meira Schneider-Atik’s tips and tricks:

I’m a stylist. Among other things, I help women put together new and different outfits using what they already have. One of the questions that comes up time and time again is how to put colors together.

While I have a lot of different suggestions of how to not be afraid of trying new and different color combinations, there’s one suggestion that always works- use a print to anchor the whole thing.

If you have a printed clothing item that you love, then you know that the colors in the print go together. So use that as your base. Choose colors from the print and wear them in the outfit. You know they go because they go together in the print.

Here I am (below) wearing this awesome print dress that I found shortly before Pesach. I wore it for the first Seder and I paired it with my dark brown and taupe 2-in-1s. Those colors both show up in the print, so they work here (they’re also both neutral, so they go with everything).

You don’t necessarily have to wear a full-on print base outfit to do this. Your print could be just a subtle accent to your outfit. Here I am (above right) wearing my Bohemian Dreams scarf (one of my favorite prints) as an accent to my navy 2-in-1. My dark teal top and rich green earrings are both taken from colors in the print.

There are tons of color combinations that look amazing. Play around and find the combos that work for you. Use prints as you need them. Try to have fun with it. You can do this!


What’s your favorite way to combine prints and solids? Share with us in the comments!

“I’m over 60. Do women my age wrap?”

YES! Yes, they do!!

Wrapunzel recently had an email from a woman who was feeling discouraged. “I am a grandmother, and I would really love to see some older women wear a tichel. I‘m starting to feel like the only 61-year-old woman who wraps,” she wrote. Well, we knew she wasn’t alone, but we we really wanted her to FEEL it! So we reached out to the wider Wrapunzel community to ask wrapping women over 60 to contribute photos and quotes to send to her. We were so inspired by the results that we had to share them with you!!


Annette: “Hello, I am 65 years old (last Sunday) and love wearing Wrapunzel wraps. I feel more beautiful in a wrap and cosy in the cold weather. I don’t often wear make-up so a beautiful wrap I think makes my face look better… and the bonus is that I don’t have to fiddle around every day trying to get my hair to do the right thing.”






Susie: “I’m 61, too! Wrapping makes me feel settled in my age, rooted. Dignified. (Even in tie-dye!) Beautiful in a way that has nothing to do with our culture’s obsession with youthful perfection—which doesn’t exist, anyway. Wrap on!”








Jocelyn: “I’ll be on Medicare in a couple months which makes me 64 right now. I don’t do the big fancy wraps but I wrap almost every day (other days I wear hats).”










LC: “I’m 66 and love wrapping.”








Tzipporah: “I’m also 61 – here’s a very casual shot from the cottage last summer. Wrapping is not the norm in my community for women of any age – sheitels, sheitels, sheitels (wigs) !!! I was wrapped at the largest local kosher grocery and there was a “woman of a certain age” (i.e. mine) who kept looking at me. I thought – uh oh – she doesn’t approve or whatever. Five minutes later, she approached me, told me how gorgeous my wrap was and confided that she wraps too, but only when in Israel. That she really admired me for wrapping in oh so conservative Toronto! For me, a great example of how we can absolutely never judge what’s going on inside someone else’s mind!”






Maya: “67 years old here!”










 “Hi, I’m a 64 year old woman and wrap everyday. There are so many beautiful women here inside and out. My advise to woman of any age is ‘wrap your pretty little head!'”









Mindy: “I’m 62 plus years old. I began wrapping every day a little over a year ago in order to fulfill the mitzvah. It was a decision that took time until I was ready to fully commit myself. Until I began wrapping and joined this group I hated having my photo taken and my family insisted that future generations would think that I disappeared at age 39.

[Don’t] be discouraged and please don’t believe that everyone in the Wrapunzel Fangroup, or who wraps her hair is chronologically young and fabulous…though many of us ARE young at heart. G-d created all of us and loves us all.”






Loraleigh: “Here I am, 61! This was in the fall of last year; I recently had a birthday and still wrap.”










Shush: “Making apple butter last October. I’m 62.”









Judith: “I started wrapping around 65 yrs old.”










Bonnie: “I reached my 64th year last Friday. I don’t wrap full time but I love the flexibility.”








Evelyn: “60 and counting.”










Nurit: “I’m 63 and I have given up wigs in favor of tichels. I live in a community where wigs are more the norm, but tichels have made me feel more like my genuine self. Age has nothing to do with it – you can be as flamboyant or as sedate as you want in terms of colors and styles. Don’t pass up this opportunity to give yourself new possibilities – and make sure to share the results with the rest of us! We’re all here for each other!”






Thank you ladies for sharing your beautiful pictures and inspiring words of wisdom!!! Are you an older woman who wraps, or do you have an inspiring woman in your life who does? Tell us about it in the comments! We’d love to hear more from you!

Wrapping on the Run


It takes guts to be the only lady with her hair covered – lots of our fans can attest to the challenge of being the lone wrapper in a community where no one’s familiar with the concept. Rahaf Khatib (above) lives this challenge every day! You may recognize her from our feature of her on the Wrapunzel store Facebook page. Rahaf is making history as the first covered runner to appear on the cover of Women’s Running Magazine! Check out this article to see the cover photo and read more about the reactions she got!

The Wrapunzel staff loves to exercise covered, too! Check out Naomi Herzog’s tutorial for a running tichel, and Andrea’s blog post of tichel solutions for bicyclists. Covering your hair and staying in shape can definitely go hand-in-hand!

Naomi Rose running covered!

Wrapunzelistas, do you exercise with your head covered? What are your favorite tips and tricks? We’d love to hear from you!

Penina’s Layered Lace Sash Wrap!

It’s getting warmer out there, and it’s a great time to start thinking of ways to do easy, layered wraps without a lot of weight or bulk – and without spending ages in front of the mirror! Penina Taylor is here to share her go-to layered wrap using a lace sash (we’re getting more in this week – get excited!), a 2-in-1, and a long, patterned rectangle scarf (use any scarf or sash in your closet that fits that description – Coloriffic or our new Darling Dots Sash would be great choices!). She adds in a stretchy elastic headband and sparkly pin for extra glamour – feel free to use any in your collection, or just leave them out for a simpler look!

Penina got great reviews wearing this wrap as a guest speaker at our Baltimore show – check out the photos below, and then give the wrap a try with her tutorial!


Penina Taylor speaks! “The Toybox Paradigm”

Hi Wrapunzelistas!

It’s the beginning of a new week, and many of us are probably fighting the Monday blues. Penina Taylor to the rescue! Have you found it difficult recently to celebrate others’ successes when your own life is so complicated? Is it hard not to compare yourself (or your wrap!) to everyone else’s? All of us feel like this sometimes – and Penina’s latest video is just the perfect cure. It’s quick and uplifting – watch it and get a boost! It’ll make your week so much better.

What strategies help you avoid the “Toybox Paradigm”? Have you had any challenges with this that you were able to successfully overcome? We’d love to hear more – share with us in the comments!

Happy Monday,

Naomi Rose

Mirjam’s gorgeous pashmina veil!

Veil tutorials are all the rage lately! First we had Samantha’s original Princess Wrap, then Andrea’s easy Wrapunzel Veil, then Naomi Rose with the Duchess Wrap. But all these techniques work best with large, thin scarves. Wrapunzelista Mirjam wanted to find a way to do a veil with a thick pashmina – and boy did she ever nail it! Here are some photos she sent us:

We’ve always admired Mirjam’s posts on the Fangroup for her bold individual style, impeccable dramatic makeup, and especially her seemingly magical way of making any pashmina cooperate and turn into a wrap straight out of a fairy tale! So we were SUPER excited when she sent us a tutorial video to share. Without further ado, here she is:


Lady Wrap Star: Meet Victoria!

Have you ever met a hair-covering Buddhist? We’re always amazed at the sheer number and diversity of spiritual backgrounds that inspire women to cover their hair. Check out Victoria’s beautiful and personal story below – and don’t miss her stunningly elegant wrapping style!

My name is Victoria Hogan. I’m a soap maker, business owner, homesteader, and blogger on I began wrapping part-time about five years ago, after much debate and thought. My mother is Vietnamese and a Dharma Buddhist, while my father is Irish-Romanian and Cherokee and a practicing Wiccan. I felt more connected to Buddhism, and it’s actually the main reason I wrap my hair.

My hair has always been the subject of envy from my friends. I have fine but dense hair, and in a very dark brown that is almost black. “Asian hair”, my friends would call it. People would always ask me “can I touch your hair!” Some people wouldn’t even ask and would just come up and grab it. I also would fuss over my hair, spending lots of money on conditioners and masks and product to make it look the way I wanted it. I would bother my mother to spend hours on styling it, and would spend a lot of money getting it cut the way I liked it. It became a nuisance and a distraction.

When I began practicing Buddhism in earnest, attending temple and such, I noticed the nuns all had their heads shaved bald just as the monks did. Some wore little sock caps and such, but they were completely bald. They do this to show humility, that they care not for things of this world, and that they are beyond the vanity of their hair. I did more research on the matter and learned that there are some nuns who wear coverings over their head, and that it’s common for nuns to shave bald or cover their hair. After thinking it over, noticing how vainly I viewed my hair, and debating with myself I came to the decision that as a layperson in the Buddhist faith I would cover my hair.

To me hair is a woman’s glory, her pride and joy. It’s considered a status symbol to have glorious, beautifully kept, healthy hair. I used to be so preoccupied with my hair, that it became the thing that I let define myself. I began covering my hair because I wanted to remind myself that I am more than my hair, that my vanity is less important than reaching Enlightenment and Nirvana. I began wrapping and wearing hats and snoods over my hair so I could stop focusing on how my hair looked and remember the important things: family and faith.

I cover for my faith, and I don’t let fear of what others may say and do stop me. We go often to Antwerp, where I can safely wrap because of the large Jewish population. When I’m not safe at home or among others who would not mind, I don’t wrap but wear a snood or hat. I’m glad to share my story with such amazing, beautiful women and I hope you find my story enjoyable!

Tamar Adina on “Tichel Intimidation”!

“Dear Wrapunzel,

I have a love/hate relationship with the weekly ‘challenges’ Wrapunzel runs. I absolutely LOVE looking at the amazing tichel photos, and I look forward to hearing what the new challenge of the week is going to be! But at the same time, I rarely participate. I’m not a newbie tichel wearer, but I’m not as put together as the other posters! I have a hard time creating pleats and I never get lace to look nice on me without having it “hurt” later in the day. I’m never sure if I’m wrapping my tichel right, I just kind of “put-it-on”. I have lots of scarves in my collection, but I don’t really have the time to play with new wraps, and sometimes I just throw on a hat to do my grocery shopping. I feel like everyone else goes to Target while wearing an amazing tichel. I dunno, seeing the photos makes me feel dowdy. Any advice?

The Frumpy Tichel Wearer”



Dear Wrapstar –

So, first of all, repeat after me: I am not dowdy. I don’t care if you are wearing a pair of oversized sweats with pink fuzzy socks while reading this — you still are not dowdy.

It sounds like you are feeling a little overwhelmed and even a bit insecure about your tichel wrapping ability. The goal of the “wrapunzeledin” challenges was never to make anyone feel intimidated, but I can feel your frustration.

Andrea’s product photo outtake. Yikes!

I’d like to share with you something that one of my favorite professors used to say constantly. She told us to remember that when we entered a patient’s room, even if we had worked with the patient 2 million times, we were still walking in “IN THE MIDDLE.” What does this mean? When walking into a patient’s room, we were seeing a snapshot of the person.   We were seeing one moment from that person’s life. If we were to run into him at another time while in Starbucks, we would like see a totally different snapshot. But in the hospital, the patient is in the middle of some type of crisis.

Even if in theory we know “everything going on” in the crisis (especially since we have a medical chart), the truth of the matter is that we are only able to see part of the story. We really don’t know what happened five minutes before. Did the patient just find out that he has to stay another night? Even though we might have known about that possibility, maybe the patient didn’t. Maybe in addition to the crisis lens, we also need to apply the “missing my pet cat” lens. Did the patient’s best friend just come by for a visit and she brought smoothies with her? That can change the lens as well.

Naomi Rose wearing *gasp* a pre-tied!

Why am I blathering on about being “IN THE MIDDLE”? Well, because that’s exactly what an Internet selfie is! You are logging into the conversation and entering “IN THE MIDDLE.” The beauty of the Wrapunzel Fangroup is that it connects many Wrapunzelistas and gives us a sense of community. Many of us don’t live close enough to each other to socialize in person, and the Fangroup offers that opportunity. At the same time, the picture that someone posts captures only one moment from a person’s day.

The photos in the Fangroup are just that – photos. They don’t tell the whole story. They tell only the information that the poster feels comfortable sharing! And while there is that rare breed that manages to look good all of the time, the truth is that the rest of us are usually “winging it” as we go. That gorgeous tichel someone posted might have taken three attempts to accomplish. Even if the poster wrote: “I had some frustration this morning,” since a picture is worth a thousand words, your brain will register the picture over the comment.

Looks like Rachel needs a nap!

Someone else might have cropped out their tummy/chest in order to hide the fact that they’ve recently gained or lost weight. Another person might have artfully used a necklace to quickly cover a ketchup stain that an adorable toddler blessed mommy with during lunch. Another wrapstar might be posting a photo during her thirty-minute lunch break – the first time all day that she had a second to tie a tichel or apply makeup. Had you seen her two hours prior while she was on the phone dealing with “that client” (you know, the one that makes you question your career choice), she would have looked slightly less polished. Or or or or or….the list is endless.

Also keep in mind that people tend to use their nicer photos as their profile pictures. So while you always see “Tamar Adina Campbell” commenting on Facebook from behind a profile picture that looks phenomenal, the real me might be typing while sitting on the couch and wearing a raggedy old college sweatshirt (yep, guilty as charged).

So while it might look like everyone else is “constantly put together,” very likely that is not quite the case. Some women will wear tichels for a week, and then take a break from elaborate ties while dealing with a sick spouse, or while on a business trip. With the number of women on the Fangroup nearing the thousands, you might not realize that a particular poster only puts a selfie up every few days.

But – (because I know there is a but), what about those women that post a tichel of the day everyday?! Or those women that I know in real life that always seem to look good? Well, the truth again might be that you are again only joining “IN THE MIDDLE”. You see the one selfie that looks amazing, you don’t see the 5 others that were deleted. You see the one tie that looks great, you don’t see that moment where she ran around trying to figure out where her shaper disappeared to.


Lastly, remember that we are our own worst critics. Nobody else will judge us nearly as harshly as we judge ourselves. So while you look in the mirror and see a messy back of the tichel, or a pleat that isn’t perfect, nobody else is giving you condemnation. In fact, it’s more likely that you will inspire someone to share their own wrap! So keep your chin up, and be proud of what you can do – we are all doing our best, and that means different things at different times.


Tamar Adina

The Melissa: Sari and 2-in-1 Knot!

Wrapunzel Fangroup wrapstar Melissa has gotten so many requests for her signature Sari and 2-in-1 Knot wrap that she graciously made a tutorial!!! We love how easy this is, how fast it is to do, and how regal it looks!

Rachel couldn’t agree more!

Thank you, Melissa!! 🙂 Posted with permission, here’s her video! (Warning – may contain cute children).



Naomi Rose: “The Duchess” Wrap Tutorial!


Hi everybody! I was playing with Andrea’s latest tutorial for the Wrapunzel Veil (don’t miss it!!) and came up with this variation, which looks so regal. Wear it somewhere special – a wedding, the Renaissance festival, a birthday dinner. You’ll feel incredibly feminine – one thing I love about this wrap is how much it looks and feels like luxurious long hair.

This was my first attempt, in my bathroom (land of tichel experimentation):


And here’s an awesome contrasting version I did over Shabbat:

To do this wrap, you’ll need a few things:
A large, rectangular scarf – the bigger the better (I used Shiny-liciouses in various colors for all of these photos)
-A square scarf, triangular scarf, or sash (In the three versions pictured here, you can see a Shadowbright Sash,Silky Square, and a Dreamy Lace).
-A pretty tichel pin (I used a Sunblossom Pin)
-A safety pin or small, easily hide-able brooch (you won’t see this in the end result).
You can achieve a bunch of different effects by varying the types of scarves and pin that you use for this! Here’s how to do it:


Naomi Rose: Bronze and Turquoise


Hi everybody!

I feel like it’s been AGES since I’ve made an outfit post, so I’m overdue!
Lately I’ve been inspired by combinations of a metallic tone (gold, silver, bronze) and a jewel tone (green, turquoise, dark red, purple, etc.). It reminds me of a gem in a setting, and I’ve found that almost ANY combination of colors from these two categories looks fantastic!

Today I wore a bronze Shiny-licious, with a teal and turquoise 2in1 tied in a Liezl, one of my favorite fancy ties. When I wear three or more colors I often stay pretty match-y so I paired the tichel with similar flowy stretchy clothes (my skirt was brown, even though it looks super dark in the photo for some reason!).


Lately I do most of my Wrapunzel work from my home or my fave coffee shop, so one thing you will NOT often see is me this dressed up at 8am on a Monday! But this morning was my friend Talya’s bris for her new baby boy, and it’s a gorgeous chilly morning with nice fat snowflakes falling, so it was just the time for a special wrap.

Have you tried a jewel tone + metallic tone wrap? Give it a go, I bet you’ll love it as much as I do!


Wrapunzeled in Brown!

Here’s last week’s Color of the Week collage! Loved seeing everyone #wrapunzeledinbrown. To join in next week, check out the directions (and next week’s color) at the bottom of the post! Thank you everyone for your beautiful submissions!

Next week’s color will be…. TEAL!!! We know you’re going to go nuts with this one! Head on over to the Wrapunzel Fangroup and share your pictures using the hashtag #wrapunzeledinteal – if you would also like them featured on next week’s blog post, make sure to also post them in the comments on the pinned post at the top of the Fangroup page so we know to share them. If you’re not on Facebook, you can also email us your pictures with the subject line “Color of the Week.” Can’t wait to see what you create!!

Lady Wrap Star: Meira!

Every once in a while in our Wrapunzel universe, we come across a woman with a really amazing perspective, one who inspires us with her stories. Everyone has a different journey toward hair-covering, and hearing someone else’s journey is both fascinating to read and comforting – often, we find something that reminds us of what we ourselves have gone through. And that’s why we’re so excited to introduce you to our latest Lady Wrap Star, Meira – this is her story. We hope it will enlighten and inspire you as much as it did for us!


“When I was growing up, our neighborhood was “ultra-Orthodox” Jewish, and in that world, I did get to see some hair covering. At that time, and in that place, the women who covered their hair outside of shul had only two options. They wore shaytls (wigs) whenever they needed to look good and they wore tichels whenever they didn’t need to look good. Those tichels were kerchiefs- small triangles of fabric tied around the head. They weren’t ugly, but they certainly weren’t pretty.

However, I grew up in a “Modern Orthodox” Jewish household. My mom never covered her hair outside of shul (synagogue). Neither did my grandmothers, my aunts, or my married cousins. So with the exception of the Rebbetzins I knew who wore shaytls, hair covering was off my radar. I never really considered it as something relevant in my world. And that led to some confusion. My teacher for Jewish studies in 1st and 2nd grade would show up in school with dark brown hair in a shoulder-length heavily layered hairstyle. It was very flattering on her. But this teacher also lived in my neighborhood and I would see her in shul on Shabbat. Same face, but here, her hair was gray, straight, and worn in a beehive updo. Naturally, I was a little shy about saying Shabbat Shalom to this person who had the same face as my teacher but who might be a totally different person.

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Only when I was 12 did the concept really enter my consciousness. My cousin got married and covered her hair. She has a small head and thin hair so she could wear department-store hats which are usually too small for full hair covering. To this day, she is the best hat-wearer I know. Several months later, a young woman from my shul got married and she too started covering her hair with structured hats. But I saw her show up in shul a few times with what looked like nothing on her head and that left me wondering ‘aren’t married women supposed to wear something on their heads?’ It wasn’t long before I figured out that she was wearing a shaytl.

Finally, when I was 16, I attended a shiur (lecture, class) in my shul and the rabbi was discussing hair covering. He went through the sources and his take was that covering the hair was simply a custom, not law. As it was, I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of wearing a shaytl and having people wonder if I was covering my hair or not. Plus, I imagined that many coverings would be hot or otherwise uncomfortable. So I figured that if it’s not law, then why bother?

The good news was that I was already active in NCSY (a Jewish outreach group for teens and tweens). I had a lot of friends and a lot of leaders whom I admired and respected and I wanted to emulate them. The married women all covered their hair. That made me more comfortable with the idea. But I still couldn’t stomach the idea of a shaytl. At that time, if you covered your hair, you had many more options than just the tichel and the shaytl. But you still had to wear a shaytl for work and for special events- you’d look weird otherwise.

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Two weddings changed everything. I went to a wedding in New York where the bride’s sister walked down the aisle wearing a beautiful hat that matched her gown. Then I spent a year studying in Israel and while I was there, I attended a wedding in which the only women wearing shaytls were the kallah’s (bride’s) mother and a few of her American relatives. All the other married women were wearing hats, berets, or mitpachot (Israeli scarves) and they all looked beautiful.

For me, that was it. I decided that once I got married, I would cover my hair but that I would not wear a shaytl. More good news: when my husband and I were dating, the subject came up in conversation and I found out that he didn’t prefer shaytls either, nor did his mother who favored hats, berets, and snoods. For our wedding, my mother-in-law wore a hat made to match her gown and she looked wonderful.

Lady Wrap Star- 2

I started covering with hats and berets, but something about mitpachot appealed to me and I tried them, but I had trouble finding wraps that I liked. The first wrap I discovered was the basic crown wrap. I liked it, but I wasn’t excited about it. Then, my husband and I went to Yerushalayim for our cousin’s bar-mitzvah and it was there that I saw a wrap that I loved. One of the relatives at the bar-mitzvah graciously showed me how to do the Yerushalmi twist. That wrap became a signature look for me for a long time. After a few years, I even took the plunge and began wearing mitpachot for special events. I felt more elegant and beautiful than I ever did before.

About 2 ½ years ago, a friend directed me to Wrapunzel. That was a watershed for me. Not only did I discover a plethora of scarves and wrap styles, but I found a whole community of women who love scarves as much as I do. That community has given me so much encouragement and support in so many ways.

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Along the way, I’ve learned two important things involving hair covering:

  • Hair covering is a very deeply personal mitzvah. Therefore, every woman needs to find the method of covering that works well for her and leaves her looking and feeling her best. Otherwise, she’ll resent it. Some women are more comfortable wearing hats in shul and that’s it. Others are more comfortable wearing hats or berets and showing their own hair underneath. Still others wear shaytls. To be clear, I have nothing against shaytls on other women as long as the shaytl flatters the woman wearing it. I just don’t like them on me.
  • As Jews, we have to live within Halacha (Jewish law), but within that realm, there are so many options. No one should feel that hair covering or modest dress has to look frumpy or unattractive. Yes, married women have to wear hair coverings, but we can look wonderful in our hats, berets, shaytls, or wraps. And when we look that good, it makes for a wonderful Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of G-d’s name).

As I wear my mitpachot, whether they’re Israeli square scarves, 2-in-1s, pashminas, and all the variations, I feel that they express my creativity and individuality in ways that I never experienced before. And I’ve found that when I express myself that way, it draws people in and commands respect.

I am so proud to be a part of the Wrapunzelution. Thank you to Andrea Grinberg and to all my wonderful friends for giving me a place to really express myself and feel good about it.”

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Pretty in Purple (Plus Next Week’s Color!)

WOW! Purple is a favorite color among Wrapunzelistas worldwide! This week’s #wrapunzeledinpurple Color of the Week got more submissions than any other color so far. We had tons of beautiful looks, from the fanciest to the most casual. Thank you to everyone who submitted! If you’d like to join the fun, go to the bottom of the post – next week’s color will be revealed, along with instructions on how to submit your photos!

Bonus: This week’s collage contains not one but TWO chickens. Can you find them? (hint: one is very, very small!)

And without further ado…. next week’s color is BROWN! Break out your favorite chocolate, coffee-colored, tan, leopard-print or taupe scarves and accessories and come wrap with us! (And yes, combining brown with a second color still counts!) If you want to join in, come over to the Wrapunzel Fangroup and share your pictures using the hashtag #wrapunzeledinbrown. Anybody who’s not on Facebook can email their pictures to us with the subject line “Color of the Week.” To be part of next week’s blog post, please submit your photos by Thursday!

Wrapunzeled in Silver! (Plus: Next week’s color revealed!)

Hi everybody! We had a great time this week #wrapunzeledinsilver! This was a challenging color, since lots of us don’t have solid silver-colored scarves, so we opened it up a bit: pewter, grey, scarves with silver detailing, or even just silver accessories. It was great to see all the creativity that went on as ladies figured out how to work silver into a wrap. Someone even did a spoof wrap using aluminum foil!!! Can you spot it in the collage?

New for this week, we’re going to roll our round-up post and next week’s color announcement into one! So after you peruse these lovely photos, you’ll find next week’s adventure (and hashtag) listed at the bottom of the post. To join in the fun, come on over to the Wrapunzel Fangroup and share your pictures there, or email them to us with “Color of the Week” as the subject line! We’ll be back on Friday with next week’s round-up – stay tuned!

Woohoo! Thanks everyone for your wonderful submissions!! And without further ado….. next week’s color is…. PURPLE!! Please join us on the Fangroup or share your pics via email, using the hashtag #wrapunzeledinpurple! Wrap in purple with us on Tuesday (or later in the week is fine, if you can’t make it by then) – solid purple is great, of course, but feel free to pair it with another color, or experiment with purple accessories! For your picture to make it into next week’s blog post, we will need to receive it by Thursday. Can’t wait to see what you create!