Fancy Tutorial Alert!

Hello, Wrapunzel World! This is Rachel writing. Sometimes you need a REALLY great headwrap. One with a huge WOW factor, that’s full of elegance and grace. A true head-turner, so to speak! We’ve got two new tutorials from skillfully-wrapped Wrapunzelistas that fit the bill perfectly and are thrilled to be able to share them with you today:

Stepanie (Belle of the Ball) - WrapunzelFirst, we have Stephanie in her Wrapunzel tutorial debut (Remember her from our most recent Lady Wrap Star post?)! She recently discovered  an incredible solution to tying a rather tricky scarf and the end result is truly breathtaking.

Starting with her “Wendy” Beret Volumizer as a base, she then combined a silver Belle of the Ball and dark blue 2 in 1 to create this sophisticated side-knot, which is perfect  for even the most formal of affairs!

Stephanie tells us that almost any very thin scarf will work with this wrap style, which got me thinking of other possible combinations. Trying it with a Shiny-licious is at the top of my list!


Jasmin (Shimmery - Shiny-licious) - Wrapunzel2At the other end of the spectrum, we have the triumphant return of Jasmin and her stunningly glamorous shimmery wrap! This seemingly effortless (it’s not as complex as it looks, I swear!) and creative style is perfect for the woman who loves intricate-looking wraps without tails (myself included).

Like Stephanie, she also started with her “Wendy” volumizer (you need a LOT of volume to wear under this wrap), before moving on to her mix of The Shimmery (in both light olive and navy) and a  Shiny-licious (in mulberry). The end result is big, bold and beautiful- a real statement wrap!


Enjoy, ladies!


Shabbat White ~ (with a little Canadian thrown in!)

I was so happy with my Shabbat tichel that I wore it on Friday night AND Saturday during the day!  I don’t know why I’ve never tried putting the white shimmery and white shinylicious together before… they were made for each other!  And of course I couldn’t help adding some lace to top it off!

It's so pretty!!!
It’s so pretty!!!

I only realized later that the dark red and white colours (that’s right, it’s coloUrs :P) made me look very Canadian.  I’m not one to tout my nationality, but it definitely made me smile!

For those that are wondering… I do attempt to wear white on Shabbat when I can.  My husband wears all white (yes, even the shoes!) so it’s sometimes a challenge to keep up, but I at least don’t wear black on Shabbat.  The white reminds us that on this day we are elevated, ethereal, and closer to the infinite than during the week.  I must admit, that wearing white tichels and clothing truly reminds me of this, and I hope to do it more often!

How do you feel about wearing white?

Love, Andrea

Shimmery Naomi Knot!

I’d never tried doing The Naomi Knot with a shimmery scarf before!  This just sparkled like nothing else!!  And whenever I do this wrap I can’t get over how intricate it looks… the tie is SO easy!

wrapunzel andrea grinberg naomi knot

I heard that a few of your tried the Naomi knot and didn’t have perfect results; watch the tutorial and make sure that one side is MUCH longer than the other (the shorter ends can be as short as possible) and tie your knots loosely so they go over your head!  In this one pictured I actually had tons of scarf left over!  Let me know how it goes for you!

Hugs and love!
xo Andrea


Tutorial: Olive Grove aka Layered Waterfall Twist!

As requested by many of you, but specifically for one special woman – you know who you are!

This is such a versatile tie using the “Waterfall Twist” technique!  Make sure you are comfortable with the original technique before trying this one!  Keep in mind as well that depending on how you tie the knot, you will either end up with the fringe father forward or farther back.  Both work!  Check out the photos to see the different ways this technique can work out – it can go super fancy!   For the original look, you will need a shimmery and 2 in 1 in the same colours.  Also experiment with where you tie the knot – it changes the whole look!  Higher up on the crown of your head give a more “crown-like” look  (ie the navy in the tutorial).

Here is the tutorial!

Look ma – no shaper!!

Many of you have been asking for fancy styles that are possible without the shaper, so I’ve been experimenting for you!  Here’s the lowdown: if you like a lot of volume by your face, prefer a less layered look, and don’t care if the bun part of your head is either not there or small, then you don’t need a shaper.  However, if (like me) you don’t benefit from having lots of volume by your face and like to do lots of layering (just not right on top of your head), then a shaper is a must!  I have, however, really enjoyed experimenting with having more volume/layers around my face… but I’m realizing that it’s just not the best look for me!  Luckily I do have enough hair to allow me to do some layering at the back, but not enough for my taste.  I was asked today, by someone that sells mitpachot, what kind of shaper I’m wearing, so maybe I’m just biased – what do you think?

Here I am wearing two ombre 2 in 1s and one regular navy 2 in 1:

It was definitely harder to keep the layers neat without the shaper!  On first try, the tichel itself looked good but *I* didn’t because there was so much layering around my face!  On second try I was able to move the layers back a bit, but the result wasn’t as easy and neat as when I have the shaper to wrap around.

And here I am wearing just a gold shimmery!  This is actually something I really liked, and I definitely got approval from my mother in law! It looked so fancy yet was so easy – thoughts?

Soft Emerald Olive Grove

Can someone tell me why I’ve never worn this gorgeous color on its own??  I wore it two days in a row and can’t wait to put it on again!!  Have you ever tried wearing olive or emerald?  What do you think?

wrapunzel andrea grinberg

This wrap is the green “Shimmery” (it has a olive-y hue) and an olive 2 in 1 paired with a strip of lace that my sister-in-law lent me!  And after snapping this first photo I realized that I had the perfect necklace which belonged to my mother to use (with the regal clasp) as an accessory:

This new pencil skirt (30 shekels in the shuk – huzzah!) was a perfect match for the lace top and tichel!  Here I am taking a moment to relax on our patio where we’re staying in Jerusalem.  (Did I say hammock?! Woohoo!!)  I hope you are all doing so well and I am sending you so much love and hugs from the holy land!  Keep on Wrapunzeling on, ladies!

wrapunzel andrea grinberg

Do the Shimmery 2in1 Happy Dance!!

Can I even begin to tell you how happy these scarves make me??  The Shimmery is my forever dream scarf (I’ve been wearing my gold one for YEARS!) and the 2 in 1s make all my braiding fantasies possible!   Here are two styles I’ve been wearing lately!  Woohoo!

First of all… the elegant double twist braid (with the ends tucked in instead of out) done with the 2 in 1s  – it’s never been easier!
wrapunzel andrea grinberg

And now my two current favourite Shimmery colours: Teal and Green!  Been doing a version of the zig zag criss cross with these!

I will say this again and again (and again!):  the MOST important part of tichel tying is having fun!  I am so lucky that I get to do this mitzvah of embracing my soul, marriage, and self worth in such a beautiful way every day!  Enjoy and let me know what you think!

First Try with Pearls!

This wrap inspired by a dear friend (you know who you are!) who has been wrapping for only a few short months and has quickly become a wrapping superstar!  (I’d love to feature her as a Lady Wrap Star!  Soon, hopefully!)  Her signature look is adding beautiful pearls to an already gorgeous wrap, and I’ve been searching for a nice pearl headband to try it with!  Finally found one!Gold green pearls wrapunzel andrea grinberg

I started off with a green pashmina, then added my favourite gold shimmery scarf (will I ever get tired of this tichel? I hope not!) – then topped it off with the beautiful pearls and green pin.  What do you think?

Sending love to you all!!