A Happy ‘Mismatched’ Accident!

My outfit today is a bit of an enigma; I don’t remember how it actually materialized.  I started off with my brown stretch pashmina tichel, a wrap skirt and a mint shirt, but between taking photos, getting cold (hence the sweater and scarf around my neck), and adding an extra sash scarf on my head, I ended up feeling VERY mismatched.  And do you know what’s even more mysterious?  I have barely left my house today (yet), and have already received glowing compliments from the many people that have come over!  I was like, “really”?!  But the women commenting are very stylish, so I decided to believe them!  So I’m going to go out like this!  I guess it does all look pretty funky!

Here’s my tichel:
wrapunzel tichel andrea grinberg

And here is the awesome mismatched yet somehow working outfit!  My skirt is from Israel when I went there for the first time!  I remember being so hesitant to buy it because it ‘wasn’t my style’… and now it’s one of the most worn skirts in my wardrobe!

12 thoughts on “A Happy ‘Mismatched’ Accident!

  1. frumachava

    Gorgeous! I just bought my 1st wrap skirt in years. Wore it today at work and had so many compliments! Its a hit. Back to you. Andrea, you’d look good in a burlap sack! I really like your look today. Bravo!


  2. Shoshana

    It’s funny… if that was me I would NEVER step outside wearing all that combo, but seeing it on you (from a different perspective, I guess) looks really nice. Maybe it’s also your bright attitude!


  3. Angela

    I love when that happens. With hairwraps it allows for so many more color combos. Everything doesn’t have to be “matchy-poo” in order to look nice!


  4. Lynn

    You look dandy! It’s very ‘arty’ in my world view of fashions……refreshing look!


    “The Principle [LIBERTY!] for which we contended is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form.” President Jefferson Davis, Confederate States of America


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