Princess Wrap Tutorial


Here is how to do the much-coveted princess wrap!  As you can see by watching the video, this wrap is very easy to do, provided that you have a large enough scarf to begin with (really, my “scarf” is just a piece of cloth).  Instead of the lace, you can just use any other long scarf, but the lace makes it look much more royal.  Enjoy!

Medieval Princess

A high bun and long, flowing scarves are the keys to achieving a medieval princess wrap.  This is the perfect wrap for those too-large scarves that sometimes feel a bit cumbersome to work with!

wrapunzel andrea grinberg tichel

Notice how adding a black shirt changes the look completely!  (It was chilly with the AC inside.)

wrapunzel andrea grinberg tichel

From the back:

wrapunzel andrea grinberg tichel

And from the other side:

wrapunzel andrea grinberg tichel

Ticheled Tamar!

I “met” Tamar over the summer when a friend of mine commented on a photo of hers and it showed up on my facebook feed.  Besides the fact that it’s a bit creepy how facebook seems to know me, I am very glad that this meeting happened!  The name of her album was so wonderful that I just had to add her as a friend.  The album was entitled “Tichels Are Cool” and was filled with various photos of her showing her experimentations and gorgeous wraps… definitely meant to be.  Here she is as this week’s Lady Wrap Star!
wrapunzel wrap star tamar
Hi Tamar, can you tell us a bit about yourself?  (ie where do you live, what do you like to do, family, interests, etc.)
My name’s Tamar Goldschmidt and I live in the heart of Jerusalem, the grooviest place in the world! I moved here almost 3 years ago, met my husband and now have an amazing little baby boy, Shlomo Nachman B”H…I’m currently studying to be a doula and besides my typical hobbies, including writing, art, reading, analyzing poetry, being a mommy and an orthodox jew with the funk etc – I continuously try to discover new tichel ideas! As a married Jewish woman, it is our job to officially rock!
Where did you learn how to wrap scarves?
I taught myself at around 12 or 13 when I began collecting them. I always knew I was going to cover my hair. I felt so connected to the idea of making something so normal so spiritual and special in a marriage. And since growing up, my dream occupation was to be a wife and mother (with a few novels up my sleeve as well) the idea of covering my hair was something i could identify with.
How long have you been covering?
Well I’ve been covering my hair  “full time” since I got married in 2011…
What tichel wrapping advice/secrets do you have to share with us?
Two words that are so essential they have to be typed in caps: TICHEL BAND…You can get your beauty sleep while wearing the craziest and heaviest tichel ever and it wont move an inch off your head! You can find it in any tichel shop!
Are there any specific ideas that you would like to share about what you have learned about covering based on your face shape, colouring, style, etc.?
If you have short hair: FEAR NOT! There are so many ways to get the looks you want. Everything from voluminazers to socks. This too, requires experimentation. Whatever feels more comfortable! I find that one tichel is never enough though…because it’s not. Go crazy 🙂
Do you have a favourite style of wrapping?
I take pride in my princess-do…and my beehive-do…In short, it’s difficult to choose. I guess it depends what I’m feeling that day.
Most vivid tichel wearing memory?
I remember when I discovered that I could do my princess-do with literally ANY tichel…not just the triangular ones. This was life changing for me!  [Anyone else itching to get her to do a tutorial?]
What do you love most about covering your hair?
I LOVE walking down the street, passing other married women and seeing different styles of tichel wrapping. There was a few times where someone’s tichel caught my eye and they were thinking the same thing about mine…I can’t tell you how many times tichels have been number one conversation starters.
What are you grateful for right now?
I’m grateful for having been given the opportunity to be featured on Wrapunzel!