D.B. Mania!

The Double Braid (now named the “D.B.” by Wrapunzelettes) is becoming my every day go-to!  It has quickly replaced the standard tichel bun, and don’t worry, when you do it over and over it can be done so quickly!  The 2 in 1s make it so easy and perfectly light for the summer!  Here are two that I’ve worn lately – one in Florida and the other one in Baltimore today.

andrea grinberg wrapunzel
The D.B in Florida! So light and cool with the 2 in 1s!
The D.B. in Baltimore!  Looks gorgeous with a flower clip and colourful dress!
The D.B. in Baltimore! Looks gorgeous with a flower clip and colourful dress!

Would you like a tutorial?  I should probably make an updated one but here is where it all started… two years ago in the holy land of Jerusalem!  The only difference between this video and what I do in the photos above is tucking in the ends instead of leaving them hanging!  Looking forward to having you join the D.B. club!!


24 thoughts on “D.B. Mania!

    1. lynnreedcrowder

      Hoping it won’t be too warm to wear in southern Pa this summer….I better stock up on more 2’s in 1’s….probably the best ones to use, right?


  1. lynnreedcrowder

    the top photo seems to be purple, pink and taupe…gorgeous combination…and your dress and flower with the scarves are just making me smile and almost laugh…so fun, cheery and grandeous colors….inspires one to be more daring in color combos that don’t have to exactly match each other….I am starting to step out…..thanks Andrea for all you do for us and for the new name for us. sort of like the old Mousekateers!


  2. Donna H.

    I think Lynnreedcrowder hit it on the nailhead! Not only is this D.B. tichel sleek and elegant, it dares one to try color combo’s that we otherwise would not have considered. Just pull the three main colors from the outfit and go! You have finally broken me down Andrea…off to order!


    1. lynnreedcrowder

      She’s ‘broken me down’ toooo!! Help!! We’re being Wrapunzelized rapidly!!! heehee! Where’s the order page??Quick!


  3. lynnreedcrowder

    does anyone know if certain tichels are better than others for certain wrap styles? I seem to have a lot of trouble with the Shimmeries in doing some of the wraps that use OTHER tichels…understand my meaning? Hope someone can advise me….


          1. lynnreedcrowder

            Dear Andrea….just got my order in….exciting…but having no success in typing up the sheer grey and purple pleated scarf and the silky rose long narrow scarf, plus it has a black floral pin…it’s a kit. since I cannot get in to your store….it’s been impossible for me to get it up for the past two days,!!!!, I can’t go in to it and see what you did with this kit…..what I am doing keeps slipping and falling apart and won’t stay on my head even with the head band and volumizer. Hope you can hep with these two issues as well. Blessings!


      1. lynnreedcrowder

        and aren’t the fringes longer than most tichels? I have difficulty keeping them hidden….but I will persevere….with more instruction from the head of tichels….Rivka Malka and Andrea….: )


  4. Wrapunzel Fan

    I am such a huge fan of Wrapunzel and would like to thank you for helping us wrappers with such beautiful inspiration. Mazal tov on the business and store of Wrapunzel– I am so glad it has taken off. That being said, I just wish Wrapunzel the Blog didn’t have to suffer the butt of it. I loved it when you did a daily inspirational wrap photo. Maybe you could post something this moth, too!


  5. Wrapunzel Fan

    I am such a huge fan of Wrapunzel and would like to thank you for helping us wrappers with such beautiful inspiration. Mazal tov on the business and store of Wrapunzel– I am so glad it has taken off. That being said, I just wish Wrapunzel the Blog didn’t have to suffer the butt of it. I loved it when you did a daily inspirational wrap photo. Maybe you could post something this month, too!


      1. Wrapunzel Fan

        I am so glad to hear that, and happy travels! Wow, what a beautiful lesson in Dan l’chaf zchut; thank you! Nieseah Tova. 🙂


  6. Tessy

    wow. this blew me away, I love covering my hair to church and this is a great place for me. Lovely…All the way from Nigeria.


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