Andrea’s Update!

Hello beautiful Wrapunzelution ladies!

You may have noticed that there have been a lot of posts from other Wrapresentative ladies lately and none from me!  Well there is a very good reason for this… I just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy!  This is our first child and he sure is yummy and we’re spending as much time with him as possible.  Thank Gd our wonderful Wrapunzel ladies have stepped in to do blog posts and videos while I’m offline.  Naomi Rose, Tamar Adina and Rachel, you rock!

His name is Shalom Yaakov (Ted Jacob in english) and we are just grateful beyond words.

I am still around, but cherishing this precious time with our baby for a little bit.  I will be back soon!  Thank you all for your beautiful berachot, and wishes.  I wish I could find more adequate words to thank you but… just… every single message means the world.  I love you all very much.

Wishing you all the happiness and blessings in the world ❤

Love, Andrea


64 thoughts on “Andrea’s Update!

  1. Diane Drexler-Little

    Andrea, Mazal Tov to you and your husband. B”H that everything is going well. I didn’t even know you were pregnant:) When was he born and have you had the brit milah yet?

    May you have a lifetime of much joy and happiness. Post a photo of him when get a chance so we can ooh and aah.


  2. Jennifer Michelle Ora Kreisler

    Mazel Tov! Nachas abounding! May your life overflow with joyful surprises around every corner. (Children are soooo very full of surprises!) One day he will hand you a bouquet of dandelions and you will know exactly which scarf to wear with them! (I got mine from you!) xoxo ~Ora


  3. What wonderful news, and prayers for many blessings for your family! Enjoy every precious moment, Andrea, and treasure this sweet child who shares your life now! Much Love!


  4. Michelle Greenwald

    Mazal Tov!!!! Wishing you much nachat and Bracha. May Shalom Yaakov enjoy the world that you have helped to beautify 🙂

    Michelle G.


  5. sherri

    May all the light you give to others come back to you on this new and wonderful journey. May you have great joy and nachat from your Shalom Yaakov. Mazal Tov!


  6. Elisheva

    Mazel tov!!! Mazel tov!!! Such beautiful news! Such a privilege to be part of this wrapunzel “family” and this special simcha!


  7. Graciela

    Baruch Hashem for your family and child!=))) And for the other ones to come!=))) I am so glad to hear the news here from Brazil and I wish your life be covered by His Love and Grace and Mercy. May He give the strength and patience to be kind and energic when need.




  8. Dear Andrea, there is nothing and no experience to equal the birth of a child. I wish you much joy, you are now responsible for the happiness, security and the moulding of a personality of a precious life gifted to you. I wish u endless happiness……Elise Lange. Xxx


  9. Daphne Delouya

    So very wonderful to hear. I remember sitting with you in the library at Anshe Shalom. You spoke of wanting to start a family and I wasn’t quite engaged yet. Now, BH you have a beautiful baby and I’ve been married for just over a month. How beautifully Hashem knows us all and the timing of all things. Mazel tov to you and your family. Shabbat shalom.


  10. Congratulations & blessings! I didn’t even know you were expecting! Give him lots of cuddles & kisses for me! Here’s 2 things all new mothers are told: Sleep whenever he sleeps, and drink a big glass of water whenever you nurse.


  11. rachelli

    mazel tov!! such wonderful news!! may you and your husband raise him to torah, chuppah, and ma’sim tovim. please rest and rest , that’s the best thing you can do for your family now.


  12. nicole

    Congratulations 😀 Enjoy your “babymoon” for as long as possible. I (as we all) love to hear from you and see your videos but family always comes first.


  13. Heidi

    Congrats! So excited for you all! I have 7, all wonderful, but the first time is a tad more magical because everything is so new. Hugs!


  14. Jocelyn Schultz Isenberg

    Mazal tov!! May he grow in Torah v’ma’asim tovim. New babies are so yummy!! Enjjoy every minute.


  15. Abby Appelbaum

    Mazal Tov! I love the name, we have a Jacob Todd, and you have a Ted Jacob. May you and your family be blessed with simcha and love.


  16. Mazal tov, Andrea! I was wondering why you weren’t on (and have been posting less for quite a few months), and hoping we would hear good news from you!
    Lots of nachas! I hope you have help for the chag.


  17. Genifer Henry

    🍼🍼Congratulations on the bambino!!! Babies are such a blessing. Enjoy him and treasure your time. They grow up so fast. From the mom of a 12 & 9 yr old that seems like they were born yesterday. May your family be blessed all of your days on earth. 🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼


  18. blogamabob

    Congratulations!!! My first son is 10 months old….it’s been the best time of my life! I am sure it will be the same for you!


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