A Day In The Life of a Wrapunzel Photo Shoot!

Picture this! A perfectly sunny, breezy day in South Florida (Hollywood Beach to be exact) and a giggling swarm of ten-ish lovely ladies gather for the sole purpose of covering their heads. Sounds a bit counter-intuitive… But this isn’t just any head-covering experience. This is head covering for inspiration. This is head covering for personal expression. This is head covering for unity and for making stereotypes disappear. This is a photo shoot for Wrapunzel, where the smiles are never-ending and happiness reigns supreme!

To give you an idea of the emotions and joy that dwelled there that sunny day in Hollywood Beach, let’s take a look at the shoot’s participants one by one and get a glimpse of how they felt about the shoot, their role in it, and about wrapping in general.

Andrea, Wrapunzel Owner and Founder

At the heart of every project upon which Wrapunzel embarks, there is Andrea, Owner and Founder of Wrapunzel. This dynamic, artistic, and talented soul is the true ‘glue’ for all things Wrapunzel. At a photo shoot, there’s just so much going on – models needing help with wrapping or styling wardrobe choices, needing to make sure all products we’ll soon launch get photographed, functioning as Artistic Director, and making sure the pics look just right while utilizing the natural beauty of the location, etc. Andrea does a bit of everything all at once. Of course, you see her modeling our products often, but as you may have already guessed, she’s a part of almost everything we do!

Andrea is no longer required by Orthodox Jewish law to cover her hair since she’s no longer married, but she does so – either with half or full-coverage wraps when she feels inspired to do so, simply because she LOVES IT. Andrea, also a professional cellist and mother of two very active boys, has made all things Wrapunzel her focus, attending to every aspect of the business with love and care. One of her favorite parts of wrapping is witnessing the instant transformation that occurs when a woman wraps her hair for the first time. A calming glow overcomes these women – a serene aura that they may not have had before. What a joy!

Ita, Wrapunzel Social Media Coordinator

I started working behind the scenes at Wrapunzel photoshoots a few months after I started my job here. I have a photography background so it was fun! I would use my phone and get content for social media and stayed pretty quiet throughout the process.

Once our “official photographer” moved on, we were in a little bit of a pickle. We tested out some others and Andrea and I decided to try shooting a line just on our phones (I brought my camera too).

We never looked back! Between she and I, separately or together we have gotten some incredible content!

This past photoshoot was an actual dream! We always reach out to the community instead of hiring “professional” models, because our Wrapunzelistas are ALWAYS better than any “professional model” we could find.

It’s so much fun to meet new community members, catch up with Wrapunzelistas we’ve already photographed or have “internet” friendships with, and the best part is the vibes.

Every single photoshoot I’ve been a part of, the vibes are exactly what you think they would be for “Wrapunzel”.

Photoshoots have become one of the favorite parts of my job here, and I wasn’t even hired for that!

I love being part of the Wrapunzel community :heart:

Raizel, Model

Raizel is a recent Master of Social Work graduate from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work. She heard about the Florida Wrapunzel photoshoot from a friend in Israel, and figured she’d reach out to see if she may be a candidate to model. As a modern Orthodox Jew, Raizel plans to cover her hair when she gets married, so she wishes to have the experience while she is still single. Aside from the head hug she felt while wearing the wraps, Raizel felt an even bigger hug from the other models and Andrea and Ita. She received compliments all day from them, telling her how beautiful she is, and that is something, she realized, that she doesn’t tell herself often enough. Although she won’t be wrapping her hair until she’s married one day, she got the experience of what it will be like, and the sense of friendship and community that comes with it all!

Tish, Model

Tish currently lives in South Florida and quickly grasped the amazing opportunity to attend this Wrapunzel photo shoot. She wears many hats – from working in the compliance industry to being a licensed minister with her Doctoral degree. But her favorite job of all is being “Mom.” 

Tish chose to start wrapping earlier this year. She chose to start wrapping her hair as a personal faith symbol and journey. Doing the photoshoot with Wrapunzel was so amazing! It did not matter how young or old the women were, or their beliefs. It was an immediate community full of love and support. Tish was nervous at first, but that quickly melted away. Doing the photoshoot was an experience she will cherish! The wonderful Owner, Andrea, showed her how to do a few wrap styles, which was so amazing. Tish already loved how easy it was to style Wrapunzel wraps, but learning how to incorporate headbands and accessories elevated the wraps all the more. Tish can’t wait to get more wraps and is so thankful for this community and for the experience.

Margie, Model

Margie was drawn to wrapping as a natural progression of her spiritual journey. Wigs were not for her. In her professional life as a dancer/actor, wigs personify a character.

In 2018, she traveled with her husband to Israel for the first time. Margie fell in love with the variety of head wraps in Israel. So creative! She was taught how to wrap and was hooked! Margie wrapped for the rest of her trip! She was surprised at how amazingly comforting head wrapping felt. When wrapped, Margie feels safely connected to the earth and to the heavens.   

Modeling for Wrapunzel allows Margie to share her love of wrapping. Women wrap for so many reasons and she loves how Wrapunzel embraces all of them! Margie is a “Wrapunzelista” for life.

Jessica, Model

Jessica is a former professional ballet and contemporary dancer. She continues to dance in studios and pass along the art to the next generation. Married for more than two decades, with teenage and adult children, she is looking forward to enjoying the new chapter in her family’s life with her daughter’s marriage. 

Having her daughter participate in  Wrapunzel’s photoshoot was a memorable experience. Being united with ladies who share a common passion for the art of wrapping, learning new techniques to wrap, and learning how to wrap others was lovely.  

The Wrapunzel Team welcomed her daughter, Miriam, with such warmth and kindness. Miriam and Jessica are looking forward to carrying on the art of head wrapping and keeping in touch with new friends they met that day. Jessica is forever grateful for my daughter and herself to be part of a beautiful worldwide community. 

Jessica stated that, “When I adorn myself in a mitpachat, I connect with my roots and tradition. In doing so, I’m reminded of where I come from, but it also helps me to focus and be mindful of where I am going or what I am doing, not just in the daily moments, but also in the divine purpose of our lives.” 

Miriam, Model (and Jessica’s daughter)

 Miriam, a seasoned ballet professional, finds joy in juggling college studies with teaching ballet on the side. Beyond pirouettes and pliés, she’s gearing up to tie the knot as a kallah (Jewish bride) by year’s end.

Reflecting on her Wrapunzel journey, Miriam had a truly eye-opening experience at the photoshoot. She says, “It wasn’t just about headscarves; it was a deep dive into sisterhood, unity, and cultural roots.” Inspired by the experience, she’s ‘all in’ for covering her hair post-wedding, embracing tradition and community.

6 thoughts on “A Day In The Life of a Wrapunzel Photo Shoot!

  1. lawanda miriam din

    i just all of them lovely ladies and headcoverings also thank you all sending love from u.s.a pearce arizona lawanda miriam


  2. lawanda miriam din

    thank you i love all the loverly headcoverings beautiful ladies and coverings as well lawanda miriam din u.s.a pearce arizona


  3. gwenmcf

    While not Jewish I do have Jewish ancestors, and love the beauty of the wraps. Please tell me, what is a half wrap? I am curious.


    1. Shari Rosen

      Hi Gwen! Thanks for writing. A Half Wrap is one that doesn’t cover the head fully. It usually sits high on the crown of the head, like a headband and gives that same effect. We hope this helped and wish you the best always!


    2. Shari Rosen

      Hi Gwen! Thanks for writing. A Half Wrap is one that doesn’t cover the head fully. It usually sits high on the crown of the head, like a headband and gives that same effect. We hope this helped and wish you the best always!


So tell us; what do you think?