Gettin’ Creative!

It’s a new year (the Jewish year of 5774 just began), so what better time to start creating some new wraps!  You may have noticed in the last tutorial that I am experimenting with gathering the scarves at the side of my head instead of the back; this one today is no exception.  I started off doing two long twists dangling at either side of my head… but then my husband walked by, tried to hide his laugh, so I decided not to go out like that… it did look funny! (Maybe an idea for Purim?)  So I undid one twist, wrapped the remainder around my head (creating a really neat knot at the side of my head) and let the other twist hang.  It’s  interesting how twisting at the side of your head completely changes the shape of the wrap!  I am not sure that this one works so well for my face shape, but I am sure that it will work for others!  As soon as I master the side gathering thing, I will make a tutorial!


10 thoughts on “Gettin’ Creative!

  1. Catherine Levison

    I love it. I was looking at green scarves yesterday on scarves/dot/com.

    I’m your latest fan. I’m watching all the videos 2, 3, even 4 times.

    I’m expanding my tichel collection, thanks to you.

    One thing you taught me was priceless!! You mentioned that the colors on your head are not necessarily the same ones that flatter you from the torso/shoulder.

    True words. It turns out that light colors and peaches, light reds, soft pastels work on my head!! I’m amazed.

    Is there a 12 step program for those who get addicted to your videos and website? I’m not ready yet but if I get to that point (of being able to admit my addiction) then I’d like to know in advance!!!

    I really enjoy spending time with you via your web offerings. Thank you so much.

    Catherine Levison


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