Upcoming Shows and Workshops!

Wow!!  So many exciting events are coming up!!!  Here are all the details that we have so far about where we’re going to be!
We hope to see you there!!

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24 thoughts on “Upcoming Shows and Workshops!

  1. Suzanne C

    I’m a little bit sad that I’ll miss that Cincinnati show by just one day. But I know I’ll catch a show and spend time polishing my skills with y’all one day!


  2. Uranni

    Hi, I am getting ready to order some wraps. They are so beautiful. I was wondering if you can tell me the best place to find the type of undershirts you guys wear. It is so hard trying to find the undershirts with high neckline and many choices of color. Do you order online and where?


  3. Simchah

    I love the different accessories you add to your beautiful wraps, like pearls, belt buckles, brooches. I just had another idea today – a bolo tie. I have a couple from my father, A”H, and like to wear them to remember him. I couldn’t figure out how to send a photo. I just put the bolo tie around the wrap and tucked in the ends of the tie. And that’s a wrap!


  4. Pingback: Upcoming Shows and Workshops! | Wrapunzel.com

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