Lady Wrap Stars

We love to feature YOU on this site!  Lady Wrap Stars are women who cover for all reasons:  religious, spiritual, modesty, cultural, hair loss, health, fashion, and everything else under the sun.  We are looking to feature a variety of women, of all different styles, shapes, features, and personalities.  Everyone is welcome: beginners or experts, covers 24/7 or once in a while, classy or funky, understated or colourful.  If you would like to be featured or have someone you would like to nominate, send me an email and let me know!

lady wrap stars

These posts are often done as an interview (we discuss what you would like to talk about, I send you the questions, you answer) with photos.  But we can work with any idea you might have, be it an article written by you, some questions you would like to ask the readers of Wrapunzel, a discussion that you moderate, a “just photos” post, drawings you have done, art, music, video… etc.!

Here are the fantabulous Lady Wrap Stars that have been featured so far.  Check them out!

Rivka Malka
Andrea (me)
Cartoons by S.
(my cousin)
Twisted Ladies (Wrapunzel readers try the twist!)
(of Judith de Paris) 
(another Batsheva!)
(another Yael!)
(another Heather!)

13 thoughts on “Lady Wrap Stars

  1. Pingback: The Penguin Ball…or…Men in Black | Kol B'Isha Erva

  2. Pingback: Our Latest Lady Wrap Star – Tiona! | Wrapunzel

  3. I would love to be able to do this!! I haven’t been covering my hair long, but I think I might be able to offer a unique insight on doing so in a very odd place: West Virginia! I think it could be fun and hopefully helpful to anyone who isn’t in a very culturally jewish place. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. daniela

    I just started covering my hair, and I am watching your tutorials religiously. I am still making so many mistakes, but hopefully I’ll get the hang of it. I love the regal feeling that I get after covering my hair.


  5. Hello Wrapunzle Queens. I am a grandmother who wraps for fun, to keep my very long hair under control and to honour my Jewish heritage. I have a beautifulMuslim daughter-in-law who wears hejab and she inspired me to start wrapping. I love it!! I gets lots of compliments and have had some amazing conversations. Did I mention that I live in a tiny town in southern British Columbia in Canada?!


    1. Lilian Orellana

      Hello there,
      I also live in a small town in British Columbia, beautiful Chilliwack.
      I recently started head wrapping and I love it! And Wrapunzel has been key to my decision, thank you so much!
      I’m a 58 yrs old mom of 3 boys and also I have a jewish heritage as my great grand parents were sephardic Jews from Spain.
      So honoring my heritage and having so much fun it’s great!


  6. kairostravellers

    Wow! what about organizing a Wrapunzel ladies meeting wordwild in 2018? Elena Isabela is the greatest wrap star for me! LOL! She should be in the picture, you know it?!


  7. Michele White

    I love this!! I think it is so important to foster good relationships with our wrapping sisters from every race and culture. 🙂 Personally, I converted to Judaism in 2015. It was life changing for me, due to a shattered relationship with G-d within another religion. It has taken years of study and prayer, as well as participation at my temple in Baltimore, to finally feel like I have almost reached a point of renewal in my personal relationship with G-d. Wrapping is one way that helps me with that relationship. Feeling that gentle hug on my head, reminds me of who I am and what I believe in. The neighborhood I live in is very Jewish, and I am thankful for that as I am rarely judged based on my wrap. I do get comments from time to time, but always kind ones. I was even once approached at the local post office by another wrapped sister trying to get home because of car issues. I was pleased to do so, and we had great conversation about our wraps. My Dad, who is not Jewish and lives with us, doesn’t always understand but the more I wrap, the more comfortable he is with it. Wrapunzel, keep up the amazing work. Sure it is okay to build a busy that serves the community, but to build one that serves such an amazing, supportive, and diverse community; one that empowers women to be who they have been called to be and to support one another in that journey is incredible. Thank you so much!!


So tell us; what do you think?