Rachel’s Official Welcome!

Hi everyone!  Andrea here!  You likely have noticed a gorgeous new face here in Wrapunzel land over the last few months… on our youtube channel, in our photos, on the fangroup, and also contributing blog posts!  That’s right!  Our tremendous turban teacher, Rachel, is now officially part of the Wrapunzel team!

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The Lovely Rachel!

It was natural, really.  From the first time I met her, there was a connection between us deeper than the pretty scarves we were wearing on our heads.  It was at our Cleveland show last year!

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Meeting for the first time!

Over the year, Rachel has become more and more prominent in the Wrapunzel community, sharing gorgeous photos and essential tips, making fabulous tutorials, and always being sensitive to the needs of others.  When we started the weekly challenges, she shared a collage of her wearing #wrapunzeledinallthecolors tichels.  And when asked, she directed Wrapunzelistas by describing in detail every single product on her head, where to get it, and every tutorial needed so everyone could do the same.  It was her dedication, her instinctual giving, her integrity, her work ethic, and her attention to detail that moved me to tears, and it was then that I knew she had to join the team.

Check out those wrapping skills!

So what’s Rachel up to?  Officially, she is our “Social Media Specialist”, working on organizing our youtube channel and making it more user friendly.  She is doing the same for the blog, helping us figure out a way to make the vast content accessible.  She’s coordinating the challenge of the week posts, continuing to make tutorials, helping with emails, doing a fabulous job moderating the fangroup, restarting our pinterest and twitter, and most recently she has taken over writing our newsletters, and doing an INCREDIBLE job!  (If you aren’t signed up for these, you’re seriously missing out!)

Let’s call this our official welcome!  Welcome to the Wrapunzel Team, Rachel!

7 thoughts on “Rachel’s Official Welcome!

  1. Welcome Rachel,

    Of all the Wrapunzel ladies, I think your style resonates most strongly with me and I credit you with making the turban much more accessible and wearable to me. I’m so glad to see you on board!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Donna Garcia

    Welcome aboard Rachel, love your teaching skill and slow approach to help us older ladies learn the techniques of wrappings. I’m sure you are taking a load off Andrea and Neomi Rose and that is a big help to them, Blessings, Donna Garcia


  3. Tikka Seinfeld

    Funny! I always thought you were aboard since I started watching your tutorials! Your wraps are wonderful and you always have wonderful tips expressed with so much patience and warmth!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. batshush

    Welcome, Rachel. I have a feeling that there is a story there somewhere. Rachel covers her hair, says “shalom” at the beginning of a post, and has tatoos and a double nose ring. I get a feeling there is more to hear about and know, and would love to know the “Rachel Story”.

    Liked by 1 person

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