Naomi Rose: Is it Offensive if I Wear a Tichel?

At Wrapunzel, we frequently hear from people who worry that their decision to wrap might offend someone. It’s easily understood that you might want to wrap your hair if your religion or culture includes a practice of headcovering, but what if your reason is ‘just because I love it’? Can you wear a scarf beautifully without a cultural or religious practice backing you up and not feel uncomfortable about it? Might it be considered cultural appropriation? Is it going to bother anyone? And if someone says something to you about it, what can you say back?

These are all fabulous questions, and it’s time to start talking about them!

Shoutout also to all our Christian headcovering sisters – I know I mentioned mostly Islam and Judaism in this video, but lots of Christian ladies have found faith-based reasons to cover as well and deserve to be included in this discussion!

What are your thoughts on this? If you’re religious, or come from a hair-covering culture, how do you feel about women wrapping for fashion or other reasons in the same style that your faith or culture wraps? If your reasons are simpler or more personal, have you ever been challenged to explain your wrapping outside of the context of faith or culture?

We would love to hear from you!

91 thoughts on “Naomi Rose: Is it Offensive if I Wear a Tichel?

  1. I’m Pagan/Wiccan. I cover my hair as devotion to Goddess. I haven’t been covering my hair for long, but when I began this journey and decided that the Jewish style of wrapping was most aesthetically appealing to me, I asked my Jewish friend why women do it, what it means, and did he think it would be considered offensive if I used it for my own devotion. Lucky for me, he did not. I am most definitely aware that people find Paganism and Wicca offensive, but I also think that when people can fully understand that we’re not Satan worshippers or horrible people, the world can be a sweeter place.
    I just always try my best to represent myself and other women who cover (in my area I am the only one I’ve seen that wraps in the Jewish style) as best I can. I do the same with paganism in mind, my goal is to dispel misconceptions. Big goal, but worth the effort.
    I also want to say thank you to everyone I’ve met through Wrapunzel for being so welcoming. I’ve met so many wonderful women. ❤

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Anya

      Wow malinafirebird, this is fascinating. I had no idea that covering was a Pagan/Wiccan thing. Are there others who do this, or is it something you’re doing on your own? I’m very familiar with Jewish and Muslim women who cover, but this is new to me.

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      1. Neither did I!
        I came across this blogpost about pagan women who veil. In the 15 years I’ve been on this path I’ve never seen anything like it.


        It really made me think. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that when I work with a certain goddess I feel compelled to cover my head.
        I did a lot of thinking, research, and seeing what was out there. I was surprised to learn that there are lots of pagan women out there who cover their hair for various gods and goddesses.
        I took the plunge with the support of my husband and children almost 4 months ago. I cover full time, only uncovered at home at night or if I’m not going anywhere.

        Liked by 5 people

      2. ALittleWonder

        It’s not exactly a pagan “thing”, it’s not required of an branch if paganism that I know of. However, if someone feels called by thier deity, who are we to tell them no? I cover because it in my cultural heritage. Roma/Romani (Gypsies, but that’s a bad word. Please don’t use it.) Women cover for modesty ‘ s sake. It has little to do with God, and more to do with our very specific ideas of purity, cleanliness, and honor.

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      3. As a long time Heathen, I have seen this practice blossom in our community across the globe and have recently embraced it myself. I see some do it to honor a certain deity, to enhance a religious experience, or for use of a daily reminder of who they are. I think that many of us have been hesitant in the past to cover mainly for fear of offending others and drawing attention to ourselves. As malinafirebird mentions, an alternative religion can be a hard enough pill to swallow.

        Taking the first steps are hard, but a support system like this group makes it a lot easier!

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      4. Hellenic women often covered their hair, particularly Athenian women. I’ve come across a number of neo-hellenic pagan ladies who have felt called to veil. Some Asatru women also wear a head scarves. I found this site and community because of my own interest / call.


      5. Cera

        I’m a Devotee of Hestia, a goddess in Hellenic Paganism known for her sacred veil. I too veil as a Pagan, we are a minority of Wiccans/Pagans, however there is a good handful of us! I recommended searching Pagan Veiling on social media like TikTok or Instagram to see more pictures of Pagan Veilers.

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    2. bracha

      Hey! I practiced wicca for some time. 🙂 im a scorpio rising and cancer moon 8th house person also aries sun so i love spirituality. I am from the Jewish faith so i have returned to my faith but if i wasnt jewish and extremely proud to be ide definitely be practicing wicca. Cool.

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  2. Barbara Sylvain

    I’m Roman Catholic, but I attended an uber conservative Christian college where a woman’s long, uncut hair was considered her covering and to cut it was wrong. One woman also wore a kind of doily on her head. I did cut my hair and even though it was still long, it wasn’t uncut. For me, covering my hair with a veil at mass is an honor, and my hair is short now. I wanted to “cover” to show my relationship with “Hashem.” I decided I wanted to cover most of the time; my husband actually likes seeing it! So I don’t cover at home. But when I go out, I wear a scarf, a wrap, a hat, something. I’ve always loved covering from childhood, and I believe it is a gift from Hashem to have this desire. It’s beautiful, it’s respectful, it’s religious, it’s who I am.

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  3. Brenda

    My husband loves me to cover my hair. I want too but people look at me funny. My hair is very long for I a Pentecostal and we do not cut our hair we believe our hair is our covering. But my husband does not like men looking at my hair. Need help what you think. I feel so pretty when I do cover my hair. I find my self buying covering when I see a pretty one but I have trouble doing everyday. I love your blogs they are so helpful.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Naomi Rose

      Hi Brenda! If you feel beautiful and your husband finds you beautiful with your hair covered, you should definitely consider it! Maybe try covering in a few less-scary places before you try it at church – like on an errand to the grocery store, library, etc. It might help you to gain confidence. And remember, sometimes people who are ‘looking at you funny’ with your hair covered are actually just curious admirers who don’t know what to say :).

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    2. Hello Brenda,

      I am not Pentecostal, but I am very familiar with the practices you reference. I cover for a multitude of reasons and I also have very long hair. While my husband does not feel uncomfortable with other men seeing my hair, I know how much he enjoys it; and it makes it more special when I ‘let my hair down’ so to speak. I like that he (and occasionally my young son) are really the only ones that get to see that part of me, it has taken something that people find very ordinary and turned it into something special!


        1. Naomi Rose

          Hi Brenda! Definitely check out our video on shapers/velvet headbands – you can often ‘scoop up’ those hairs with the velvet headband, or use a few hairpins before putting the velvet headband on. As to whether showing that hair matters, it depends on your reasons for covering and whether or not it bothers you!


          1. Diane Drexler-Little

            I have been trying to use the headbands and the new shapers to scoop up the back hairs as in the video. My problem is that I have a low hairline and a cowlick at the left back of my neck. So, I have been growing my hair longer to help keep it tucked in or I have had to resort to bobby pins to keep the hair tucked up. That is why I get nervous and need to figure out other ways to tuck in the tails of the scarves as they can end up pulling my hair out. Being a Torah Observant Jew, I do try to keep all my hair “under wraps”.


  4. Gwendolen

    I am a christian woman who has chosen to cover, although I am the only one I know from my culture or faith to do so. I would never be offended at someone covering for ANY reason, and I encourage and love to see the creativity that goes into it! Women have covered their heads since the beginning of time, as a symbol of modesty and submission!

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  5. I am just mystified by this. I’ve never had a negative reaction from anybody. I don’t cover for religious reasons. I hardly ever see other women in scarves, except muslim women and an occasional orthodox woman. I see lots of working men in bandanas and do-rags, and I can’t imagine anyone chiding them for wearing scarves. I am usually the only woman in sight wearing a headwrap, so I am sure I stand out. But it feels right, it looks good, and I would feel terribly uncomfortable being bareheaded in public. I don’t know why I get only positive reactions. It’s not because of location, because it’s the same wherever I’ve traveled. I am surprised and sorry so many of you have had the opposite experience.

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  6. Funny you should mention this. I went looking for a burgundy scarf today. I found a place that sells some inexpensive scarves. Happens the owners of this little market stall are Muslim men . They were curious about the way i wrap and wanted to know why it wasnt a traditional hijab. They were not angry just curious. I explained that I am indeed a christian( LDS to be specific) but i wear a a tichel style because it looks best on me. i explained that i wear it partly based on 1 Corinthians 11 and partly because i feel good. i explained that i may be one of 3 or 4 LDS that cover and that its not traditional. I also explained i have personal reasons. They were totally unfamiliar with ANY Christian covering. It led to a very nice chat. In the end i bought 9 scarves (great sale) and they threw in 2 for free. The only people who are offended once they find out i am not a cancer patient are women who scream about male patriarchy. For the most part i try to live as peacefully as possible but its not always easy. I found that a lot of the women who think its submission to a man are also part of the BDS movement and many are quite happy with public nudity. i dont care in the slightest if i offend them.They refuse to understand that not all Christian women who cover are either into plain dress or into submission in the sense that women must obey a man. I have no time for that thinking.I must be about the work of the lord. And funnily enough ….. men treat me with a great deal more respect. i dont know if its the scarf or the fact that i conduct myself with more dignity : a daughter of the Kingdom (a princess)

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  7. Cate

    Thank you so much for this, Naomi.
    I’ve always been drawn to various types of veils and head coverings, but it wasn’t until I came across Wrapunzel that I really fell in love with tichels, and what they represent. Although I’m of both Sephardic and Ashkenazi heritage on my father’s side, I was exposed to countless faiths since earliest childhood, and as such I consider myself spiritual, rather than following one particular religion.

    We live in a world where a woman’s worth seems to be based entirely on her attractiveness to other people, rather than who she is… and I find that in covering my hair, I’m placing more emphasis on who I am as a person rather than my physical appearance. We’re so inundated with pressure to remain as youthful, glamorous, and “sexy” for as long as humanly possible that it feels like women aren’t allowed to mature with dignity and grace… and that saddens me. When my hair is covered, I feel regal, mature, queenly. I find that I comport myself more elegantly, and I’m calmer/more gracious than when my curls are flying in all directions.

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  8. LC Studebaker

    I live in the Missouri Ozarks where not too much is accepted / tolerated. I moved here from other places to learn quietness, peace & make herbal medicine. My heart filled with joy when I found Wrapunzel and have been wrapping ever since. I’m an older woman, retired & work in a health food store part-time. I was in doubt whether the intolerant owner of this store would allow me to wrap my hair….she looks, but say nothing…just like everyone that comes into the store…no one says a word, which seems strange to me. Oh well, I shall just order more scarves.

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    1. scooter

      LC, welcome to the Ozarks! 🙂 Culturally, we Ozarkers lean toward not prying into your business, which sounds like you’re experiencing, but of course the people you come into contact with are curious. I applaud you confusing them a bit, we need a little cultural expansion! I’ve also seen many Christian headcover-ers in some parts of the Ozarks, so people may be somewhat familiar, if not with a big, bright, lovely wrapunzel-style wrap, at least with the idea of covering your hair for personal and/or religious reasons. That said, you don’t owe anyone an explanation, which it sounds like you know.

      And please don’t feel alone, there are many kinds of people, with many kinds of convictions tucked away in our beautiful hills! Hope you find some kindred spirits.


    2. Aside from any other reason, working in a health food shop would seem to make covering your hair, in whatever way you wish, a good thing, from the food/hygiene point of view: your boss should be aware of it…..I am older, too, though indoors mostly, but always wear some kind of covering, even a hat. Whatever I feel like! Good for you 🙂


  9. Fellow Pagan headcoverer here! I could post at great length about what a fulfilling practice it’s been for me this past seven years but in brief, I just wanted to add that there’s a few of us around 😉

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    1. autumnraine23

      I’m Pagan as well and I simply love to cover my hair! It allows me to feel so connected to myself, and also makes me feel beautiful which being someone who has suffered with very low self-esteem is a major accomplishment! 🙂


  10. Maggy

    As a Reform Jewish woman who is just starting out on the mitpachat journey, I don’t have to worry about anyone thinking I’m engaging in cultural appropriation (a vile practice that I see SO MANY people doing when it comes to Native American culture) instead I just get people asking if I have a frum relative in town lol.

    However I have had to come to the defense of a female cancer patient who wore the most gorgeous mitpachats while undergoing chemo. Some people attack first and add questions later. After the incident this woman informed me that her neighbor was an Orthodox Jewish woman who taught her how to do all sorts of mitpachats when wigs made her delicate scalp itch and sweat like crazy. Covering was the start of a deep friendship between the 2 women (the woman who was the cancer patient is athiest) that has extended to their respective husbands and children.

    That incident and story left me acknowledging my own inner pull to cover. Partly out of a desire to more fully advertise my marital status and my Jewishness but also partly to be connected to this deep sense of sisterhood that trancends religon, race and culture. Everytime I touch a scarf that might end up on my head I feel that sisterhood. And that makes me feel great.

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  11. leashalom

    thanks naomi rose! in my experience, i’ve been asked so many times what would be wrong with showing my hair 😦 i’ve been told that so many women fighted just for my right to show my hair….i’ve been misunderstood. i started to cover for medical reasons, now i’m covering for both medical and religious reasons: i’ve discovered so many precious things while simply looking for some decent scarf to cover my head!! i found a new world. wearing a headwrap makes me feel dignified, regal, and also protected: this is an important point to me, because i’ve always felt my hair as a very private part of my body. though, in my cultural environment, nobody covers and i never did it, until those medical reasons came. now i feel so relaxed in my tichel! but it is also true that people in my country tend to misunderstand or to ask uncomfortable questions (questions i would never ask to another woman!)….times ago i’ve been trying to answer and explain…now, most of the times i simply answer that i cover for personal reasons and i do my best to ignore “those stares”. i love wrapunzel! i’m so happy i’ve found it! 🙂

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  12. Carla

    Several years ago, I suffered a nervous breakdown from too much stress in my life. I had four car accidents from young people rear ending my car. One was supposed to be fatal according to a police officer and nurse in the other lane. I also had a hystorechtomy which led to hormonal imbalance. Because of this difficult time, I was diagnosed with PTSD, social phobia, and agoraphobia. I have noticed that since I cover, I am less nervous when I go outside my home. It has been a wonderful experience.

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    1. It is strange how clothes (and I count headscarves among them) can affect the way we feel. Some years ago, during a very critical time, I discovered I felt safe in long skirts. I tried head-covering, too, but full-time covering did not seem right for me. Now, I cover my hair occasionally, and I come here for new ideas and to learn from other women.
      If I cover I try to cover in a neutral, simple way, using mostly fabrics and prints from my own culture. Cultural appropriation is something I have been thinking about for a while now, and I can’t claim that I know all the answers.

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    2. jenniferkmarsh

      I can identify with this somewhat. I had a bad accident two years ago, a head injury that incapacitated me for three months. As a result of this accident, I developed terrible anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD and agoraphobia. During my recovery time, all I could do was lie there, since movement was too much for my head, and this physical stillness led to a deeper stillness within myself, whereby I could listen to my soul without interruption and hear what the Lord wished for me. I felt an indescribable and powerful desire to put a scarf around my head; when I did this, I had never felt so whole and at peace. It was like a healing hug, a comfort and a protection. I knew that was what the Lord wanted of me. Covering my head/hair made my recovery much easier, and it gave me courage and confidence to deal with the psychological disorders that affected me for a long time afterwards. But since that time, I have been covering ever since, and I know it has made me a more beautiful person, more generous and caring and accepting towards all people and all that life brings. I am very glad to hear covering your head helps you in a similar way. I hope and pray that peace and inner healing comes to you throughout your covering journey.

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    3. Carla, I have multiple health problems too, including agoraphobia. I feel ‘undressed’ with nothing on my head…….it just seems to help. I’m so glad it helps you too.
      All the best from a fellow covering agoraphobe( in Scotland)


  13. I live in South Florida where a lot of women cover their hair including (but not limited to) African Americans, Caribbeans, Seventh Day Adventists, Hindus, Mennonites, Orthodox Christians, Orthodox Jews and Muslims.

    I love to see different styles and colors of beautiful clothing and accessories.

    In our hot humid South Florida climate, head wrapping is not only beautiful, but it is also practical to protect ourselves from the heat.

    I really don’t think of head wrapping as specific to any culture or religion.

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    1. As a woman who worked in food service my entire life, I was required by law to cover my hair, I currently do not ike any thing on my head now. But I think it is because the only thing available to me was ugly hair nets and bandanas. If I had known about pretty scarves and
      different ways of wrapping, I could have looked nice all those years. Kudos to those re discovering this art

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      1. Diane Drexler-Little

        Deb, I think you hit it! Art! I am a quilter/fiber artist, and yes, it is art! Our heads are canvases and wrapping with beautiful scarves, tichels, pins, etc. are all artistic expressions from our souls.

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        1. Cate

          So true!
          When I was in my teens, I dyed my hair every colour of the rainbow… and now I can create similar effects of glorious, intertwining colour with scarves and pins instead of chemical dyes. 🙂

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          1. Diane Drexler-Little

            Cate, I agree about not wanting to use the chemical dyes. People have been having severe allergic reactions to some dyes. Since I began wrapping, I have stopped dying my hair (natural reddish brown or blond). And, my husband likes that I have gone natural. (But, any money saved from not having my hair dyed, has been spent on scarves, especially at Wrapunzel:)


      2. Kiki

        I realize this is 7 years old, but had to comment to let you knownwhat a wonderful, beautiful cideo this is. You are so smart — your reasoning is sound while empathetic. You are so articulate and perfectly zoomed into the true underlying concerns, as well as kindly refuting what you don’t agree with. Seriously, the structure and delivery of your message her is beautiful. You have a beautiful gift, and I hope you know it. 🙂


  14. jenniferkmarsh

    As an Englishwoman, you are indeed correct that women in 1500 England covered their hair, though they actually did this long before this time and long afterwards – both nobles and commoners. Although this was partly due to practical reasons (keeping the hair clean and out of the way), it was also done because England, as a Christian country, strictly followed the Bible, in which it says that women are to cover their hair. Through the ages, the style of these coverings changed as did the frequency of them, but the practice died out completely in religion by the 1960s. I find it a shame how around the world so many Christians, atheists and other religions alike are so unaware that Christian head coverings were (ARE!) a thing. I wonder how it got lost… How and why did Christianity let a beautiful and meaningful practice be forgotten?

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    1. Naomi Rose

      It’s definitely an interesting question and must at least partially have to do with the rise of agnosticism and atheism as more socially-acceptable positions to hold (especially as compared to the 1500’s-1600’s!). But one interesting thing to note is that Christian haircovering is coming BACK, at least from Wrapunzel’s perspective – we hear daily from Christian women who feel compelled for one reason or another to try covering their hair :).

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      1. Diane Drexler-Little

        I believe that women threw out the covering their heads, even the wearing hats, during the so-called women’s “revoultion” in 1960s along with the “burn your bra” campaign. (I graduated high school in 1969 so I know something about it:) I think that hats and hair coverings went the same way as nun’s habits, the coming of the miniskirt and bikinis. I remember admiring Jackie Kennedy (while First Lady) with her lovely hats, and the veils she wore to church. As someone mentioned, the current and lovely, regal Queen Elizabeth has been seen in public with some very beautiful hats.

        As an RN, I bemoun that we no longer are even allowed to wear our nursing caps. Yes, I realize that more men are in nursing who often will wear the surgical caps as well as those men who wear kerchiefs. Our capping ceremony was the most fabulous experience.

        To the woman who worked in food service, I can understand the feeling of those horrible hair nets and how much more beautiful scarves and tichels are and do the same thing by keeping hair out of the food. The same can be said for anyone working in healthcare services or hospitals.

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      2. jenniferkmarsh

        Yes, I suppose that’s true. Well, I think that’s great news! I would love for headcovering to become more common in the Christian world 🙂 I must thank you and the rest of Wrapunzel for your beautiful community – you bring all headcovering women together no matter what religious or cultural differences, and make us all feel like a family. Blessings to you and all Wrapunzel sisters (:


      3. Rita

        That’s great to hear because in my country I probably am the only Christian who covers. It was a blessing for me to find online other christian women who also felt deeply convicted and led to cover and the Wrapunzel comunity was a great encouragement when I was being laughed at by the people around me. Covering has helped me to love others before they show signs of loving me first. Even with the strange face people make when they see me for the first time I just give them the biggest hug and wish them something nice. Most barriers are broken thru love! 🙂

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        1. catherinelevison

          Hi Rita,
          I have an online support group that gives support to Christians who have been laughed at or lost friends over the covering issue or feel like the only coverer in their area.

          We who cover have to be extra sweet to those who do not because they can be accusatory as it is so we don’t want to give them any further ammunition with a sour facial expression.

          Andrea is a great example of a positive facial expression and that is her best trait. She even did a teaching on that. It’s something she does to be more approachable to the people she meets during the day. I think it’s been blessed by our Lord and He has used her friendliness to bring us all together.

          If I can help you with my group for support let me know. Everyone loves the group. It’s gracious and friendly and our sole purpose is to give support or to receive support for covering.

          You, Rita, are doing the right thing. Breaking the ice with a big hug and a nice set of words must really help to put people at ease. We can make them feel nervous when we don’t want to do that or make them feel “Less Than” when we don’t mean to cause that either. Keep up the good work and I hope to get as good as you in this area. I need to work on it and I know it. Our faces, our clothes and our coverings are speaking for us and very loudly too.


    2. catherinelevison

      One reason Jenniferkmarsh that is documented is Vatican ll and I’m not a Catholic. But, we all know that the Catholics met and changed some rules like not eating meat on Fridays, for one.

      This went on for a time and one day, one reporter was covering (laugh) the Vatican ll for his newspaper and he asked if the people deciding all these changes had gotten to the headcovering for women yet? (Side Note: When my husband went to Mass as a child his Catholic church would “lend” a woman a veil if you came to church with a bare head. So the Catholics were following the headcovering teaching from the New Testament.)

      The point is that the reporter actually **misheard** the answer. The answer was, “no, we have not covered that point yet.” and he inadvertently reported that Vatican ll announced today that Catholic women no longer have to wear a veil or Mantilla to Church any longer.”

      His **mistake** was picked up by other reporters and went global via TV news and newspapers. Most Catholics do not know this story because it’s been awhile since the 1960’s—but MANY do know this true account and it is fully documented.

      That did impact Christians. Catholic women mistakenly thought they could stop covering.

      Why did the Protestants stop? Most say that Women’s Liberation and the history of clothing and factors like that played a big role. I’m fascinated by the history of fashion. I love medieval clothing, Victorian Clothing, Old Order Quaker clothing….and if you follow the time line of how we “dress” it comes down to the bathing suit, it’s one factor anyway. The history of that alone is fascinating.

      At first, it was a fully-covering wool dress with bloomers, socks, a cap and then the bikini and the sexual revolution and “Twiggy” if you’re old enough to know her name all came along and the swimming suit changed. I also think that the “hat” helped to take covering away. Did you know that when the bonnet was introduced it was a big scandal? They were wearing scarves (picture a peasant woman) and then some well-to-do ladies wanted turbans and then bonnets. (side note: the waltz was a scandal too.)

      After bonnets came the hats of the roaring 20’s and then hats became a matter of fashion and stopped having any spiritual meaning. Jackie Kennedy is known for her pink hat, for example. So as hat styles changed rapidly……….one day the hat went out of style and “we” became a bareheaded culture. I mean, we wear hats when it’s cold or to block the sun or to make a statement but the hat might have cost us the prayer-covering, headcovering, chapel veil, the whole concept of covering our heads or our hair. Make sense?

      The history of Jewish covering is something I will leave for the experts here to explain.

      Hoping to help…….Thanks!

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    3. Jess

      Christian headcovering is something which was phased out over time. By early 1900’s, wearing hats was much more common than scarves in Christianity, especially in the upper classes. Until about the 1960’s, it was very common to see women wearing hats to church. Because the style of headcoverings changed so slowly, the meaning was lost to many. (I have a feeling that because the focus of Christianity changed over time, this practice was also lost, but I haven’t done enough research to be certain).


  15. catherinelevison

    As a Christian I have read and studied a passage in the New Testament of the Christian a Bible that Paul wrote to a bareheaded culture in Corinth which is an area outside of Israel. Paul was Jewish, as was Jesus. Paul wrote in the Greek language that woman ought to wear a katakaluptos (covering Strong’s #2619) on their head.

    He writes the Christian men ought to pray and prophesy with an uncovered head. Right within the 16 verse teaching Paul uses the word katakaluptos (the word for covering) many, many times. He gives 3 reasons as well. The headship order, of God, Jesus, man and then women. He gives the order of creation that man was created first and then a female was created secondly and he ends by saying that the Angels (whether fallen or “good”) he did not say, but the Angels are listed right there in the passage as one of three reasons that women should wear something on their head when they pray or prophesy. Many women just decide it’s best to remain covered all day.

    At the close of the teaching Paul says that women were given long hair and that covers them as well because he used the Greek word for vest, mantel, a shawl that one could throw around oneself (peribolaion Strong’s # 4018) So the hair is a vest-like covering but we are told to wear a covering on our head in addition to having the hair given to us by God. Many Christians follow Jewish teaching at this point and cover all of their hair and save their hair for their husbands in private. Other Christians wear a head covering and allow their long hair to cover their chest as a vest would.

    I have covered for 25 years using this I Corinthian chapter 11:1-16 as my base but I am allowed by the passage to wear whatever I want. No color or size or shape is prescribed.

    A frequent question that Christians ask is it offensive for a non-Amish or a non-Mennonite to chose to wear the “kapp” with or without the cape dress if they are not Amish or Mennonite? This question is like this teaching. Is it okay for a non-Jewish woman to tie her scarf the way the Jewish women do and I agree with Naomi and Andrea that it is okay.

    One last thing, the verb tenses used in this I Cor. 11:1-16 is in the 1st class condition followed by the indicative mood which means “if and it is” not just the word “if” like we use the word because. This is vital because Paul is saying that it is shameful to a woman to be shorn or shaven…. He is not saying “if” it is.

    One more verb tense that matters is the putting on of the head covering to pray or prophesy is a continuous action. You put it on and you take it off over and over again. Whereas you do not put on your hair and remove your hair over and over again. For Christian women to be uncovered is NEW. Artwork and black and white photos from 1950 and before will show women covered regardless of the denomination. A photo taken from the back of the church before the 1960s will show women covered and men bareheaded.

    Now it it is the minority of women who cover in North America. South America and parts Of Asia and the Middle East still have covered Christians. The Ukraine, some Catholics, the Anabaptists worldwide (almost) still cover. I send Christians to Wrapunzel all the time since before there was a store. Covering Christians are following Andrea and Rivka and supporting them. Some of them feel they cannot wear jewelry due to 2 New Testament passages so some may approach Wrapunzel with no makeup and no jewelry and be seeking a more plain look. Some will wear makeup and jewelry as each woman is working her way through the modesty teachings. We are taught that we ought dress as a woman professing godliness with a shamefacedness. It doesn’t mean that we have to take deliberate steps toward ugliness. I don’t think that we have to blacken our teeth as some Christians have.

    That is one Christian’s answer for you and I am in touch with several hundred ladies online whom I help. Thank you for letting everybody onboard. We respect your faith and will not discuss our differences, instead we we will concentrate on what we have in common with you which is quite a lot as we share many of the same scriptures with you. Thank you for your work for us. I love your products, the how-to videos and your low prices. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mirja Haukisaari

      Thank you for this comment, it covers most of my reasons for covering my head too. I want to add that the word Paul uses for women in this context translates as “wifes”.

      In Finland practically no christian woman covers their heads exept for winter or very hot sunny days. Therefor I stick out like a sore thumb, having been covering my head for appr. 18 months now.
      I began to study the Bible more some 8 years ago and as I got more familiar with the Word of God I noticed the change in my heart to want to show the world that I am a daughter of the King. This resulted in me gradually changing my wardrobe to be more feminine and modest.
      Only last year did I get a calling from God to start covering my head, and I was puzzeld because it is not a custom I was used to. I prayed and searched the Bible for a confirmation to make sure it was not my own idea, since I had admired the vafiety of muslim hijab styles years before.
      When Pauls letter to the Corinthians showed me that it was indeed God telling me that this is a way for me to glorify Him in my everyday life, I was thrilled. I now had a way of presenting myself to the world as a married woman of faith!

      Many people have asked me if I was a muslim or if I had cancer… At first I was shy to tell people the deeper meaning of my covering, because especially many devout christians see such actions as legalistic.
      Now that I have grown in my faith and knowledge regarding the biblical basis of the practise, I no longer doubt myself and keep on covering feeling regal and thanking the Lord Yahweh for this blessing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. catherinelevison

        Thank you Mirja Haukisaari, Your comments are very nice. In all love I need to correct you on one thing but it’s not an argument or a contradiction and it’s not meant to be confrontational or hurtful. But in love, allow me to talk about the Greek word that Paul chose there. He used the Greek word, “gune” which is used all over the New Testament to mean either woman or wife…it’s used interchangeably like automobile and car can mean the same thing. So “we” can’t quite tell if Paul wanted us to think that gune, only meant wife or if gune meant women. I wish we could tell. Christian coverers have gone both ways with this. Historically, we see that in the middle-ages they did have wives cover and maidens were uncovered, much like the Jewish women do. We see that in the 1700’s and the 1800’s but all along there were groups who covered their little girls too like the Amish still do to this day. I don’t have my daughters cover, I wouldn’t “force” them or anyone to cover, but if I were an unmarried woman I would still cover because of the word Paul chose. If you use a “reverse” concordance and put in “gune” you’ll see all the times the word “gune” was used and how it was interchangeable between “wife” or woman and that will help you. Thank you so much for your very agreeable reply and your kind comments. Also, it’s perfectly acceptable to believe that Paul meant for only wives to cover. That is okay and that is the belief of many. I think it’s okay to believe that. Thank you again!! I think that covering is a blessing too. We are to dress as a woman professing godliness so the covered head is a part of that and like you said; for some women that leads them to dress modestly. For other women they dressed modestly first and then added the covering later as they studied further or as the Lord led them toward further obedience. Thank YOU!!!!!!


        1. Mirja Haukisaari

          Thank you for your correction, it was in place. I looked it up too, and found I had been too haste with my words… I agree with you in that there is no way of knowing which way Paul ment and it is a matter that every woman should pray to have wisdom about from the Holy Spirit.

          I encourage every lady out there who has heard the calling but is still in doubt to pray for a clear direction, for God to either take away these thoughts or to confirm them. As I said before, for me the calling was personal and I don’t know if me being married had any part in it. Now just was the time for me.

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  16. Hassiba

    Reading all this convinces me that mostly every kind of plunging into deeper spirituality leads to the desire to cover ones head, to protect the sensitivity of our thoughts and feelings against worldly influences. So many of us mention “protection”, “feeling good”, feeling more beautiful or regal. It seems to have a lot to do with dignity and self-respect and pride as a woman (no play-toy). These are universal feelings. In my opinion, you cannot pin them down to one religious practice. As regards the Queen: my grandmother here in Germany and nearly all western women before the 60s would never have left the house without a hat or a kerchief on their head. That was just one part of a modest outfit and a question of self-respect. It has only been a few decades, that western women go out bare-headed. I have been afraid to cover, but my experience since I do it in my spare time (not at the office) is quite positive. Nobody has offended me, but a lot of women have been very curious and wanted to know how I did it. I hope this will stay like this 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Rivkah Joy

    In the area where I live, nobody else covers their hair in the Wrapunzel way. When I first discovered Wrapunzel, and saw the beautiful way tichels were styled, I thought, Wow! I like that style! That’s me! That’s how I want to look! Over the years, I had for practical reasons wore a bandana in the kitchen for baking and cheesemaking to get my hair out of the way. Now that I have a job that requires my hair to be covered, the Wrapunzel look is the way I want to present myself to the public and I have! There is another very personal, spiritual reason I cover too, but I’m not convicted to present myself to the public with my hair covered all the time. The reactions I have gotten have all been positive and strangers have walked up to me and complimented my appearance. I feel beautiful, elegant and sunny! And the kids/teens where I serve them absolutely love my wraps!

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Elaari

    I’m also a pagan headcoverer, but that is aside from why I wrap. I keep my hair very short because that is what I prefer and, I think in my past it was also a way of showing my defiance – “I won’t be held to your ideas of beauty and acceptability.” I was a punk/goth back in the 80s who never left the house without a hat and am a “graying goth” to this day (much to the chagrin of my kids and the amusement of their friends). I have belly danced for the past 13 years and perform at and attend Renaissance festivals. When I dance, I wear a turban or wrap as part of my costuming. When I attend festivals, I cover my head in some form as a part of my persona. When I wrap casually (I don’t wrap every day), it is because it makes me feel beautiful. I feel more in tune with myself when I wrap and less concerned about how the outside world views me. It is something that I do for myself and to honor the beauty that is inside me. It’s also a little rebellious here in the south and that appeals to me on another level. 😉

    That being said, I’m so happy a friend pointed me to Wrapunzel. The variety and beauty that I see on the pages is inspirational and has led me to look deeper into the reasons why I prefer covering my hair.

    Liked by 5 people

  19. Diane Drexler-Little

    Naomi Rose, thank you for a wonderful video. It corresponds a lot to the one Andrea did on dressing modestly. The same responses you mention for hair covering can be used for wearing other modest clothing like tops that cover collar bones and elbows, and skirts below the knee, as well as choosing whether or not to wear pants. Andrea’s point of dressing so that our outsides reflect our inner selves can also be used as another response for women who choose (and the word “choose” is very important) to cover their hair.

    I also love all the responses from women covering (no pun intended;) all strata of society, religions, cultures, and countries. And, as I mentioned, I see it as part of my artistic expression. And, I love the videos that various Wrapunzel ladies (including you Naomi Rose) that have given us so many ways to express our inner selves and creativity.

    Following are some examples of positive reactions to my hair covering from government officials:

    My husband retired from the U.S. Marines so we have access to military bases. When we go into the cafeterias or galleys as the Navy calls them, hats are forbidden except for the military police on duty. So, I was removing my hat and was feeling uncomfortable until I began wrapping with tichels and scarves. I wasn’t sure what they would say, but my husband told me that if asked to say it is for religious reasons (which ii is as I am becoming a more Torah observant Jew). And, not one person has ever asked me to remove my hair covering in any of these military places nor asked me why.

    And, I was ecstatic that when it came time for me to renew my military dependent ID and I wore an Israeli tichel covering my hair without a shaper. When I asked if I needed to remove it for my official photo, I was told no, that I could wear my tichel for my military ID photo! So, if the U.S. military allowed me to have my tichel covering my hair for an official ID photo without asking me why my hair was covered, no one else has any right to judge me for my hair covering.

    I’ll see what happens next year when I go to renew my drivers license. By the way, when I renewed my Israeli passport, I was allowed to keep my hair covered, too, but that didn’t surprise me.

    I want to say that reading all these stories show me how much we women have in common. And, I love how much we can support and encourage each other in our Wrapunzel sisterhood!

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  20. Velma Jones

    My husband is Jewish, my son and I are not (though my son is in the process of converting). My son has attended a kollel since he was 5 and when he turned 13, he asked me why didn’t I cover my hair like the other women in the kollel. He told me about the blessings that could come from me covering my hair and that I was the only one who could do this for our family. He ended with that his grades would improve if I did. That sold me. After talking with my husband who was shocked and pleased that I wanted to cover my hair I started. I have been covering my hair full time for 4 1/2 years now and I LOVE it. I feel more beautiful, I spend less time getting ready, and my husband and son LOVE when I wear something beautiful to accompany them to the kollel.

    At my previous place of employment, I told my close group of co workers that I was covering my hair and that it was to honor my husband and son. They accepted it and I had no problem with them. However, the other groups around us had a huge problem with my hair covering, had a meeting about it, and confronted me with the dress code. I told them that I was well withing the dress code as I was covering my hair for a religious reason. While i may be Catholic, I cover to honor my husband and son. It really never got better. I was laid off 1 1/2 years ago and at my new place of employment, they complement me for the diversity of my wraps and style.

    I know this is a bit of a long winded story, but I hope that I haven’t offended the women of my kollel. They have asked me how I do certain wraps and I love pointing them to this site.

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  21. I am one of those pagan women who covers to honour my goddess and myself. I like the tichel because it is practical and versatil, though I do wear other styles. Thank you for this and for all the great things I have learned here. It is good that woman that chose to cover can see past relgious differences and come together in our common goal.


  22. Jess

    I left my old religion because my beliefs didn’t fit it, but I never gave up on spirituality and God. I found that headcovering both now and then was something that benefits me from a spiritual perspective. It truly is a practice that transcends culture and religion! I don’t know why I used to worry about it so much.


  23. I am a non-religious young professional who covers her hair VERY frequently. My hair is dyed a very bright blue color and I find covering it gives me the perfect balance in the work place. I love to wear vintage hollywood inspired turban styles and more traditional modest styles. Ive never had a bad reaction… Mostly just other women wanting instructions when they find out how much time it saves me vs. Styling hair! I love being a woman but as a business person i find the pressure to be “pretty” such a distraction from my personal value. Wrapping makes me feel chic… and in control.

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  24. Ivelisse Jimenez

    I’m not married, I had been divorce since 1992. Hashem took me out of the darkness and showed me the light. He shows me what love truly is every single day. He’s my head , my authority, my everything. And that’s why I cover my hair , to honor , the one that created me. Also by me covering my hair , I’m saying that my life is not my own, that I belong to HIM.

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  25. I am a Christian and have recently discovered covering. I have felt led to this practice, but even having been raised as a Christian, did not know this practice existed. It makes me sad to think this beautiful and significant practice has been (nearly) eradicated from mainstream Christianity. Not only do I love the practice of being humbled before my Savior in prayer and praise, I love the symbolism of being under the authority of my husband (the love of this has not always been the case for me.) and lastly, saving my hair for my husband is just amazing. I am so happy to have found Wrapunzel. The beauty of this art is appealing as well and I look forward to expressing myself while honoring my faith and my husband. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Willow

    I’m a Christian-but a really progressive/liberal one.

    I’m not a complementarian, but believe that Paul was challenging a lot of complementarian culture of the day and really preaching egalitarianism (mutual submission), so I am really an oddball.

    It’s hard for me to seperate my faith from personal reasons-but I’ll try to explain why it’s becoming a significant part of who I am.

    I’m very extroverted, and a servant at heart. I’m an empath who gets drawn in to others emotions, and feels the pain, joys, and life of others.

    For several years (really since I started having kids 6.5 years ago) I have been a stay at home mother; and it was hard for me at that point to elevate my kids on my priority list, and give them the best of my emotional and relational self, rather than using it all on friends and social life.

    My husband is an oil worker, and was laid off along with most of the industry in Jan. We have been homeless for 6 months, and live in seperate places due to the logistics of getting the kids to schools, and me getting up in the middle of the night for work, along with simply not having bed space at either place we are hanging out.

    The drastic change in our financial situation, and the fact that we aren’t really together much anymore has taken a huge toll on our relationship–we aren’t in a bad place or anything-but just stress and stuff-and now I’m working full time. I struggle with getting home completely drained and exhausted and having little to nothing to offer my kids and husband–

    All that to say, that I really feel like God is teaching me how to use my gifts and tallents of being 100% invested in people and projects in a way that doesn’t shortchange the husband and children he has blessed me with.. So covering my hair is a way of physically showing and reminding myself that while I can be present at work, part of me is reserved, and not open for grabs-just for my family.

    I don’t know if that makes sense for anyone else, but it’s been a powerful and influential thing in my life.

    I am so glad I found wrapunzel by chance-it’s given me a lot of practical tools to make this spiritual reality a thing that works in my day to day life.

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  27. I know this thread is old but I’d like to comment because of seeing a few ladies who also found their way to head covering via PTSD. I have always been fascinated by traditions of head covering and hair ornamentation, and I follow a Christian practice of modesty, but am not required to cover my hair except in rare instances of teaching and leading a congregation. But now with the sensory sensitivities that accompany PTSD, panic disorder, and agoraphobia, I find myself less uncomfortable, esp in public, with my ears and head covered. ps, side note that fabric tends to be less expensive than hats, so I can stay on an extremely tight budget and have a minimal wardrobe while still feeling creative with color and pattern.


  28. Jessica

    I am a Pagan woman, but my choice to veil has very little to do with that.
    I am recovering from an eating disorder. I frequently cover on days when I still wrestle with the urge to not eat, for the control that choice gave me. Wearing a tichel gives me something healthier I can control in my life, and allows me to keep a better grip on the disease. Instead of not eating, I simply cover my hair. I find that the pressure from the knot, and the subtle weight of the scarf are also gentle reminders of my self-posession. I feel more confident, and thus in far greater command of myself, and my surroundings. My ability to cope skyrockets.


  29. I just always liked the head scarf thing.
    Where I grew up only Muslimas cover their hair and when ever I wore a scarf I got the ‘You changed your religion?’ question.
    Hats are not always an option, especially inside, and my hair was so smooth, that no bobby pin or scarf would stay in place.
    So I googled for other than hijab style head coverings and found Wrapunzel.
    I still get the ‘Are you a Muslima?’ look, but it does not bother me anymore.


  30. hayleythart

    This is a great insight. I hold no religion or culture that deems wearing a head covering necessary however I do have a slight sensory issue with my hair being down sometimes and when I pin it up or put it in a tight enough ponytail it gives me a migraine. I have done a lot of research on head coverings and whether I would offend anyone and I have to say I have yet to find a site, blog or forum that says I would. It is so refreshing to see such an openness and acceptance in today’s society and it brings me so much joy to know that my choices are not only my own but are respected just as I respect others. Thank you so much for sharing.


  31. Victoria

    Coming from an anabapist church background and though I agree with most of the things my church preaches I think just dismissing the fact that ceiling is ‘cultural’ does not feel like a deep enough investigation. Most abrahamic religions (Muslim,Jewish, Christian) all have old traditions of head covering. There must be something of substance there.


  32. jeremiahspath

    Hi! I’m a Christian who has always been drawn to the Jewish faith. When I was young I found out my biological grandfather, who died before my birth, was Jewish. Even as a child raised in a Christian home, I have felt a connection to the Jewish faith. I’m just starting to learn more. Do you have any advice, tips, or resources for me? I also just started head covering. I absolutely love it and see in the Bible where, I feel, I’m called to do it. However, despite my husbands full support, I worry how others perceive my change. Yesterday I was in a store and a woman looked at me and rolled her eyes. Anther teenager laughed at me hysterically. I’m very fair skinned and apparently I looked like a joke In my tichel. Do you know of a support group or somewhere I can meet others who are non Jewish tichel wearers to get advice/support? I have no one in my community who wears one and I just feel I need some support! Thank you for this video, this helped me so much!!!!!!!!!!!


  33. Maggie

    I like a scarf for it’s utility and then for it’s beauty; I enjoy being able to put a conditioning treatment on my hair, cover with cap and then wrap an elegant scarf around my head and no one is the wiser when I go out shopping. So I see it as useful first and then as beautiful. I like to wear head scarves when working in the yard because it protects my hair from sun damage. I did recently wonder if a religious person might be offended if I wore a style of head wrap that denotes a specific religion but I been wearing scarves since I was a young person, scarves such as the cotton bandanas in summer, light lacy shawls that drape from head down over shoulders, and the long knitted scarves in winter. I knit many scarves for gifts for loved ones. I like to wear scarves in different styles because they are beautiful. I don’t do it for a religious reason. I think scarves are elegant, much more elegant than wearing a hat. I also have started weaving fabric on a a vintage floor loom and I want to make scarves to wear. I was thinking about people who have lost their hair from chemo treatments and thinking they could wear a wonderful long scarf with the volumizer and wrap a luxurious scarf on their head; they would feel elegant and beautiful. I was born in USA and I remember when I was young in the 1950’s, my mother and the other women wore wonderful elegant hats, and many wore all sorts of ribbons, scarves and other head-wear. Some cultures have held onto that tradition while others it fell out of favor. I don’t much worry about what’s in style though, I do my own thing.


  34. Pingback: Is my headscarf cultural appropriation? – Harmony Headwraps blog

  35. Tzipora sklar

    I’m a Jewish woman, I haven’t always been in touch with my roots but I found out about my family and our tribe and how my family came from a piece of Palestine before it became Israel. With that being said I have started to get more in touch with my route I’ve gone to temple I’m reading the Torah and I’m learning some Hebrew along the way. But I’ve always wanted to wear a tichel, but I never found it appropriate for my age are for who I am because I’m 17 I’m not an Orthodox Jewish woman and I’m not married, which is from what I understand the large demographic that wears this headscarf. What it be OK for me to wear this, I always felt like it would help me get more in touch and I have the support of most my family behind me but it hasn’t sat right with me because no one in my family wraps their hair


  36. Rachel

    Hi my name is Rachel and I’m 16yrs old I need advice on this situation I have , my mother is a Jewish Puerto Rican and my father is Cuban , i recently just started wrapping my hair with a tichel but I do not wear it as frequently, i wear it for the sake of learning more on my religion and because I genuinely enjoy it also for many cultural reasons, it makes me feel beautiful and I feel it gives me a little more edge (style) , keep in mine I know very little about Judaism but still always trying to learn more and more about it, so to my situation that I have is that my math teacher who is also a Jew herself does not allow me to wear my headscarf the days that I have it on, maybe she doesn’t know I’m Jewish myself or maybe I’m offending her because I don’t constantly wear it or just my lack of knowledge on the religion , I’m not sure what to do , out of all my teachers she is the only one who gets upset with me that I wear it and makes me take it off , I only take it off to show respect and plus if I refuse well it effects my grades and I get kicked out of class , so what should i do? Please help


  37. Rivkah

    I am a progressive and alternative queer femme Jewess, who has also worked in more religious circles. With a foot in each door, I have found that many religious Jewish people don’t like when less religious Jewish women do this, *even if* it is for deeply personal/important/spiritual reasons of their own. I have also been treated like a leper by folks in the LGBT Jewish communities that I have participated in as a result of covering my hair on a regular basis. After ten months I stopped doing it for about ten years, for fear of being marginalized, not getting employment, etc.
    I am actually married now (Just this month! 😄) and my scarf is back! And for us it is a symbol of our intimate bond, as well as our stealth substitute for a collar (a less socially accepted symbol of being bound to someone). As such, I am Jewess, using a Jewish thing, for both my own purposes and for what it was intended. My husband and I jokingly call ourselves “Reform-odox” as we are reform Jews who still find particular Orthodox practices to resonate.
    I’ve only been doing it two weeks now, and am already considering getting a wig as the prospect of moving, job hunting and being more involved with my “traditionally reform” relatives is growing near. How funny it is to me that I have so much fear about it!


  38. Jericho

    I’m been reconnecting to my Jewish heritage because it was kept from me, and I’ve always loved the tichel.

    One thing not mentioned that makes me feel like maybe I shouldn’t is because I’m ftm transgender. Would it be a step too far to be a guy in one?


    1. Shari Rosen

      Hi Jericho! Thanks for writing. Headwrapping for men is in many cultures and traditions, and it doesn’t discriminate. Neither do we! 🙂 Best always!


  39. SCB

    Hi, I have a few reasons to start this process and look forward to getting my first wrapunzel order soon. The reasons are: Religious Modesty (as a Christian), Autonomy (taking control of the beauty standard narrative in my life), It is fashionable, and I get to grow out my hair without having to show the world the awkward stage.

    Other reasons I like from just reading this website, is that 1) It connects me to women throughout the world covering their hair for various reasons. 2) It makes me feel beautiful.

    I encourage any one scared to just continue to do it. People will get used to it, and it’ll eventually just become a part of how you dress.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Teresa Higgs

    I’m an older Christian woman, in my mid 50’s , with extremely short hair. I had long hair all my life and suffered to care for it, so in a fit of “ I’ve had enough of this! “ I cut my hair short . I’m thinking of allowing it to grow a little longer, as my husband really doesn’t like my extremely short hair.
    Head covering, Well, to make a very long story as short as talkative me can ( lolol!) I come from a fundamentalist Christian background and spend a lot of time exploring and learning about lother faiths when I was young, only to come back to a form of Christianity.

    I REALLY want to do whatever it is that G-d wants women to do, who believe in Him, , Yashua as the son of G-d and His Word and Laws. . I’m still trying to figure all of that out. I considered converting to Judaism, but I do believe Yashua is the Promised Messiah.
    So I believe Christianity is a branch on a tree with Jewish roots, that Christians shouldn’t ignore the Jewishness of Christianity. So I do observe and believe in many Jewish practices.

    I feel beautiful when I’m over my hair ( yep, even this old grey mare feels beautiful! Lol) and somehow it feels so “ right” to do this. I had admired the beautiful head wraps of Israeli women and did some looking online to see how they achieved that look.

    I’ve discovered Wrapunzle and am trying to decide what to order. I’ve watched some of the instructional videos ( Thank you SO much!!) and I’ve been practicing the different styles of wraps , with scarfs I have.

    So far I’ve only covered my hair at home to,see how it felt, looked and to see if I could move around without it all falling apart. I am getting up my courage to go out with my head covered.
    I live in a big enough city that I don’t think it will attract too much attention. Although I very rarely anyone with their hair covered.

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  41. Tracy A Lilly

    I am a 60 yr old secular woman; I think head coverings of any style look beautiful; they are also, in my opinion and experience, a way of telling men to “back off; I’m religious so don’t come on to me”. I often wore them when traveling in Muslim majority countries; kind of like wearing a wedding ring. I think the Tichel is so beautiful and frames the face making it look so delicate and lovely. Women should wear the head covering for themselves and their own religious or non-religious beliefs or reasons, not because a man tells them to.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Pingback: What is Ticheling (and Why Have I Taken Up the Practice)? – emo en vogue beauty

  43. Adi

    Can I wear a tichel when I am not married or have had my bat mitzvah yet? Is it okay if I wear a tichel when im fasting ( i.e. the fast of esther)?


    1. Shari Rosen

      Hi Adi! Thanks for writing. You can wrap your tichels at alny time you feel inspired to do so. Wrapping is very personal and you just have to feel confident in it. As long as you do, who can ‘argue?’ Best always!


So tell us; what do you think?