Mmmmm Brahms!

wrapunzel andrea grinberg

Since posting the photo of the tichel I wore for a concert, I’ve been subtly (and not so subtly) urged to post a video of the recital it was from!  Well, the videos are finally up!  If you have the time, definitely read my husband’s writing on the piece – it’s incredible.  Obviously listening to all four movements (the whole piece) in a row is best, but if you must choose one, please listen to the 3rd movement because it has the most awesome cello solo ever!  (And it’s a love song.)

First Movement:

Second Movement:

Third and Fourth Movements:

15 thoughts on “Mmmmm Brahms!

  1. Jamie Puffer

    This was an amazing concert, and I feel so blessed to have been told about it the day before! This is one of my favorite of Brahms’ chamber works, and it was a very moving performance. Plus, it was nice to meet you and RM before I fully took on my wrapping!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. anne Ciner

    I loved your music…. Thank you for sharing it.
    Thanks also for helping me find a way to cover my hair which increased my ability to express myself in a area that can sometimes feel narrowing instead of expansive. Wishing you all the best as we enter the month of Elul.


  3. Chanah

    Thank you so much for sharing that! It is such a treat to be able to hear you play. I am not very familiar with Brahms, so thank you for that beautiful introduction. (I noticed on the same channel there is more music , so I look forward to hearing more.


  4. I listened to the all three videos. It’s really a wonderful piece and I truly appreciated the piece written by your husband. Thank you so much for sharing !
    Chodesh tov !


  5. Deborah

    It was great to finally get to see our girl “in action”. As suggested, I watched the Third Movement first. It was an extraordinary accompaniment to my morning coffee. Sure beats the morning news!!


  6. Chalka

    The music was so beautiful! I think i’ll have to listen to it many times to have enough.

    and also thank you very much for your blog and your vids. Thanks to you i now understand a lot better women who cover their hair, and i’ve lost the prejudice i (unconciously) had against muslims (since it’s the majority of women covering around where i live (in france)). So you’ve made me grow into a better person!


  7. Devora Clark

    I’m bowled over by the emotion in your music! I can’t find the words to tell you how much I appreciated not only listening to, but watching you play that incredible piece together! Please consider doing an interview with me:)


So tell us; what do you think?