Lotsa Tutorials!!

Hey Everyone!  This is an exciting new thing for me… Rivka Malka and I made some tutorials TOGETHER!!!!  It was so much fun to do – very different from anything I’ve done before!!  Here they are!  Let me know what you think!

7 thoughts on “Lotsa Tutorials!!

  1. Belle

    Andrea, you’re so cute (sorry, non-native speaker here; what I mean is the part with your husband…you two are so adorable! 🙂 )!
    I loved the tutorials. You and Rivka Malka bring out the best in each other tichel-wise. I really enjoyed watching.
    And Rivka Malka, she’s so funny! She seems to never run out of energy.

    Wrapawesome, you two are!


  2. adina

    Thanks so much for all your tutorials and techniques. You are both an inspiration for me in my journey.
    I have noticed that you both wear mainly solid colors.
    what do you do if you are wearing a print outfit? I love wearing interesting patterns but then I always run into problems with my scarf. Any advice?


  3. Naomi

    I just have to chime in with the other ladies here and say, thank you! I really enjoyed them and learned alot, while I was blessed by both of your sweet sharing hearts. You make a great team!


  4. Yvette Walker

    Just love how you both radiate God’s joy! I too celebrate each mmoment 🙂 currently i am in chemo treatment so having more options for our covering is marvelous ! Blessings and peace. I give thanks for your sharing.


So tell us; what do you think?